Wedding Festivities

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Wedding Festivities
Date of Scene: 02 August 2024
Synopsis: Jorn and Ellari are tasked with recruiting their own limmie ball team.
Cast of Characters: 159, 418, Ellari Zin

Athena (159) has posed:
It's a fine sunny afternoon in Sundari, and today, the members of the bridal party would have been summoned to the Duke's Bastille for a discussion that the elder Mandalorian would have kept discreet from those invited.

Naturally, it was regarding the wedding, but any other details about this meeting have been kept quiet.

Those arriving would be greeted cordially by his guard and escorted into the courtyard, where the groom, Thaelin, and his favorite cousins (the Duke's godsons) spar lazily in front of a marble fountain.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn still doesn't know how to take everything. The offer, those working with with him, all of it. Every facet still ruminating in his mind. He'll still show up because the man did not agree, but Jorn did not decline the offer, either. Rignt now he's just cautious. Not optimistic, not pessimistic, just simply cautious.

He'll lean against a wall. The dark armor against the green suit, again he stands out. Anyone wearing camoflague outside of the city always tends to stand out.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arrives with the escorts, nodding politely toward Jorn, but sparing the twin godsons a disapproving look. Were they going to be here -every- time?

Athena (159) has posed:
Kasseady smirks at Ellari, while Caine gives her a dry look, however, neither of them say anything to her.

However, Kasseady does notice and address Jorn. "Come back for a second round, eh?" he says, brandishing his sword. Yet, he makes no move to approach the other Mandalorian. His twin brother rolls his eyes, and folds his arms.

Jorn won't really get to respond, though, as it would appear the Duke has arrived. He takes off his helmet. "Thank you for coming," he tells both Ellari and Jorn. "Come inside, please." Then he turns on his heel and starts to head towards the inner courtyard, where the fortress portion of the Bastille is located.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"You haven't s-" and the Duke interrupts Jorn. A nod comes from Jorn as he starts to follow The Duke. Although he will watch, wait and see if Ellari is joining them. It's nice to know that he's not the only one in this position.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari ignores their responses. "Duke," she greets, nodding in greeting. "Thank you for having us again." She then follows him toward the inner courtyard. So what was on the agenda for today?

Athena (159) has posed:
The Duke nods at Ellari, then leads them into the inner courtyard, then straight through the massive double doors that open up onto a long hallway. At the end of the hallway is an oblong shaped room with windows for walls. The view is stunning - Sundari, in all its midday sunlit glory, can be seen from where they stand. In the center of the room is a marble table, surrounded by black chairs with dark red velvet cushions. The Duke gestures for them to sit, while a couple of droids come to serve them drinks.

"Jorn," he says casually as one of the droids pours some tea into a cup in his outstretched hand. "Have you finalized your decision? We have already begun planning the wedding festivities, I was hoping you'd like to be a part of them," he says.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari follows the duke into the luxurious room, seating herself at the equally fancy table and accepting the offered drinks. She leans back and crosses her legs, watching Jorn for a response to the Duke's question.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Taking in the immaculate sights of everything, Jorn just moves in slowly. It looks like he might be assessing the place, but he's taking it in. Yes, he's making notes of windows, corners and several other bits. Still, he can admire the surroundings. The way the sunglight pours into the place.

Then Jorn moves to the table before going to sit after the question is asked. "I'm in. Let's see how deep this Sarlacc hole goes."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ah," The duke says softly. "Excellent."

He takes a sip of his tea and then sets his drink on the marble table. "Well, now that that matter is settled, we shall proceed." He pauses. "The first of many events planned as part of the wedding festivities is a tournament style game of meshgeroya." He smiles slightly. "I do hope you two enjoy competitive sports."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I assume the bridal party will be...required to participate in this game?" Ellari asks, her tone even as she sets her drink down.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Why is this game happening?" he asks not expecting this to turn into some kind of sports event. "Team building?" he asks curiously. It makes snese if that's the angle. But he thinks there's something more to this.

Athena (159) has posed:
"It is not absolutely mandatory," The duke says. "However, it is highly encouraged that you participate. Those who have opted out are aware of what their actions will mean for their reputation, as Thaelin and Sanza's wedding is not just a personal matter. It is political."

The duke hesitates for the barest moment. "For the love of the sport," he says simply. "And because Thaelin wished for it. But we consider the desires of all the guests as well - meshgeroya is not 'the beautiful game' for nothing."

He continues with, "The game will be slightly modified. Each team will be quite small - three players only. Each member of the bridal party is already assigned as captain to their team and will be responsible for recruiting the other two who will play alongside them. And there is only one rule regarding who can or cannot be on your team - you may not recruit another member of the bridal party. Otherwise, you may recruit freely whomever you deem worthy enough to be on your team."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari smirks slightly. "All right then, I suppose I can't complain." she remarks, taking a sip of the drink and then setting it down again. "I mean...I'm sure it will be enjoyable for everyone."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn doesn't groan, but inwardly he does. he waits to hear more details about it all. And there it is. Political.

"Who are the captains?" Jorn asks hesitantly. That's something concerning.

"I think Ellari should be a Captain," he just has a good feeling on that one. Nothing else beyond that.

Athena (159) has posed:
The duke turns to Jorn, arching his brows at the other Mandalorian. "And she will be," he says, "as you will be."

"Every member of the bridal party has already been given the title of team captain. Now, who will be on your team - that is entirely up to you. As I said prior, the only people you cannot recruit to your team are other members of the bridal party."

"Choose wisely. How you perform in this tournament -will- matter," he says, his gaze growing steely for a moment. "As I said prior, the matter is political, unfortunately, and you must remember that you are being granted land, and governance over that land, after the wedding."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arches a brow at Jorn. "You believe so? How can you be so sure? You've only just met me."

    She turns to the Duke when he mentions their performance in the tournament will be important. "Oh? How so, exactly? If we lose, we will lose the land? Authority? What exactly is on the line, here?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
And that's what Jorn is afraid of. He looks at the man then back to Ellari. Well, that's going to be different.

"That's because you and the big guy have a rapport. It's one gained through expereince and it means you can work together on a team. Even put aside differences,' Jorn points out the relationship Ellari shares.

"And who are the potential candidates?" Jorn knows there's going to be a few to choose from. He wants to know everything about the other two. Something that should stand out.

"And what happens to the winner of it all?" That makes him truly wonder.

Athena (159) has posed:
"You will not lose authority," the Duke replies to Ellari evenly. "But I'm certain you're aware that the division of the ten fiefs has yet to be determined." He stirs his tea quietly, his expression pensive and concerned.

"Well, of course, there is Ellari here, and then possibly the foundling, Volken. There are three others aside from the two I have just mentioned, who have committed to joining the tournament. Sanza's younger sister, Miran, from House Kryze, Ril'ere, a baron from House Kast, and last but not least, Gaen, another foundling who claims no party preference."

"The tournament's final round will involve playing against the groom himself, Thaelin, and his team. The winner will receive a gold beskar goblet, as a trophy, as well as honor and renown among his fellow Mandalorians."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Clever," Jorn says about the decision process for the fiefs. It's a creative way for that to be parceled out.

Jorn wants to look over files on each person. However, that's a best of scenario.

"So a trophyw e can drink out of," he responds to beating the groom. There is bragging rights in that. Leaning back in his chair, "How long will we have to practice or anything? Or is this just a jump into the deep end."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "So whoever wins gets the most fiefs?" Ellari scoffs slightly. "And the golden beskar, and bragging rights. I see. Well, this should be interesting, at the very least."

    "And we are allowed to chose whomever we wish for our own teams? No restrictions on that whatsoever? Are you sure that's wise?"

Athena (159) has posed:
The Duke nods slightly in response to Jorn. "Indeed. Well, the week of festivities preluding the wedding itself is still three weeks away. You will have that time to choose your team, train, assess your opponents, and even scrimmage against them, if you like. You will not be allowed your weapons during the game, but you will be permitted to wear your beskar. It is a contact sport, after all."

"I cannot answer that question," the duke says to Ellari, pouring himself another cup of tea, "the meshgeroya tournament is only one of three major events we have planned for the wedding festivities," he says, "so the matter is not quite so straightforward."

"You may recruit whoever, save for other members of the bridal party," he reiterates.

"That all depends very much on who you decide to recruit," he says dryly, "remember what I said prior. These happenings are political, and your choices, public. Again. Choose wisely."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arches a brow at him. "So what stops me from recruiting the two largest Dowutin I can find? Or, stars forbid, a Jedi?" she smirks. That last part had been said -mostly- in jest. But who knew, with Mandalorians?

    "Two other events, hm? And what are these others events, then? Or are they yet to be determined?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I thought equal fiefs for people. The rules are changing?" Jorn asks as he looks toward The Duke. That seems a bit odd. The man with the helmet looks toward them.

Thinking on it more, Jorn looks back toward Ellari. She brought up recruits and his mind goes into many places. There are a lot of potential recruits that would dominate in a game like this.

"What kind of rules do we have on our team?" he asks, since Ellari broached the subject. It's an interesting avenue of thought. His gaze looks back to the Duke, curiousity in the voice.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Nothing," The duke says, "But once again, your decisions would be public. If you managed to convince some aruetii to participate, I would congratulate you. There is nothing in it for them - the golden goblet of beskar cannot be cut into three pieces, and I will not offer any monetary award to them. If you choose to give them a portion of your fief to rule you may, but at that point, I would ask -you- if that is wise. Be mindful that many other Mandalorians may not think so neutrally about it, and seek to sabotage you, or openly challenge your right to rule a fief at all." He shrugs. "The other two events will be made known to you in time," he says, "we are still in the midst of planning."

"I did not say equal," the Duke says coolly, "Equal divisions of land leaves no room for any man to test the measure of himself, to probe his own character depth to see what he may earn, when pushed to the limits. Because of this, I believe that to use my authority to equally divide the fiefs would cause more contention, not less. I also believe it would be an abuse of my power."

"All the standard rules of meshgeroya will apply, barring the fact that you will only have two team members on your team. It shall work like a standard tournament - the losers will be benched, while the winning team will move forward to play against the next team. And the final round shall be against the groom and his team."

"If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. But I should think I have made myself clear enough. Now, I shall not waste any more of your time. I'm certain readying yourself, choosing your team, and then readying your team for the tournament will be a feat."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Heh. Not all Jedi powers are so 'public'. The same can be said of anyone else who might have similar abilities." Ellari points out. "Surely a man of your age and reputation knows that even better than I do."

    She stands up then, as it seems the meeting is adjourned. "It was a pleasure visiting, Duke."