
From Pax Republica
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The number of languages your character speaks is based on the Language skill. Besides your race's native language, you may learn one language per 1D in the Language skill. Keep in mind that if your character's racial default language is not Basic, you'll need to pick it up if you want to understand the majority of beings in the galaxy. As your Language skill increases, so does the number of languages you may speak.

Language Racial Default For Restricted
Andoan Aqualish
Anselmian Nautolan
Arcona Arcona
Basic Humans, Near Humans
Bimmini Bimm
Binary Droids**
Bith Bith
Bothan Bothan
Calamari Mon Calamari
Caamasi Caamasi
Cerean Cerean
Devaronese Devaronian
Dorian Kel Dor
Dosh Trandoshan
Dowuta Dowutin
Duro Duros
Galactic Sign Language*
Gand Gand
Ikkrukki Ikkrukkian
Iktotchese Iktotchi
Lannik Lannik
Mando'a Yes
Mikkian Mikkian
Rodese Rodian
Ryl Twi'lek
Shyriiwook Wookiee
Sullustese Sullustan
Talorian Talortai
Togrutan Togruta
Umbarese Umbaran
Zabraki Zabrak

*Anyone who knows Galactic Basic is assumed to also know sign language, unless otherwise specified.

**Droid NPCs know their owners' native language by default. Any additional language skills must be specified in Resources.