A Tour at the Jedi Temple

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A Tour at the Jedi Temple
Date of Scene: 15 June 2024
Synopsis: Annelia and Cayde give a tour of the Temple to the public, and Navi is confronted by an old friend.
Cast of Characters: 159, Heydan Seegil, Pike Windu, Annelia Belask, Navi, Cayde Alexis

Athena (159) has posed:
This morning at the Temple is not like any other typical morning. It's... bustling, and there are signs posted at the intersection of almost every hallway, pointing the way towards restrooms, the cafeteria, the atrium, the gardens, or any other room the Jedi Council had decided to make available for viewing to the public. Groups of people loiter in the entry to the Temple, reading the self guided tour brochures, while others make their way over to a sectioned off area where a line has formed for guided tours led by none other than Cayde, Annelia, and a few other Jedi working the morning tour guide duty shift.

Watching it all it all unfold with his CAM droid hovering nearby is the the documentarian who had demanded a saber demonstration Annelia a couple weeks back. He smirks, and starts making his way over to the groups of people getting in line for a guided tour, instructing his CAM droid to zoom in on Annelia's face.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil walks briskly through the Temple seeking out his contact for payment. Although the entire experience was a horrible one for both the event staff and himself Gianka and her step-father did still agree to pay him after a long discussion.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike Windu is lurking around. The Jedi Master is not guiding any tours today. Instead he is keeping a close eye on the Order's guests. And under one arm is a box of alcohol wipes, just in case.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Annelia's face is an absolute picture of calm. Or at least restraint.

    As of about the first group she met with this morning the documentarian is far from the only outsider to have demanded a lightsaber show of her. She's managed to largely fend them off so far- large crowds, not much space, dangerous weapon, et cetera.

    There's a definitely apparent effort to either be over Cayde's shoulder or keep him at her hip at all times.

Navi has posed:
Navi, like Master Windu, is also lurking around. And you may be sure she's added a few packets of alcohol wipes to her little medical satchel since the last Jedi Council meeting. Her robe definitely isn't Jedi apparel, but doesn't look much out of place in the Temple.

Like Master Windu, she is watching the crowd, ready to intervene if any trouble develops (which, given her opinion of this whole 'open house at the Temple' idea, seems inevitable, at least to her). "I wonder how many lost children we'll be herding back here before the day's out?" she asks Pike, in a low voice. "Or, worse, nosy journalists?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde had done everything he could to avoid attending the tour, including pretending to be ill. But that didn't really work, not for long and not with other Jedi around...

    As the tour group gathers, he hovers behind Ann, trying not to make eye contact with anyone

Athena (159) has posed:
Indeed, the young blonde, her beau, the infamous Emissarius Vlaven, and her stepfather, Senator Burkenn are among those who have gathered in the sectioned off area for a guided tour from one of the Jedi here at the Temple. They don't notice Heydan right away. The musician will need to make his presence palpably known to them - seems they're at least -trying- not to think about anything work related for the time being...

Despite Pike's attempts to just lurk, Burkenn notices him anyway. "Master Windu," he says cheerfully, "good morning, it's good to see you again. You wouldn't, by any chance, be guiding any tours today, would you?" he says with a chuckle. Then he notices Navi. "Ah, have we met before? You look terribly familiar.."

Theos makes his way to the front of the gathered crowd, waving the droid closer to Anne. "Well, well, isn't it everyone's favorite ginger and her blonde pet," the documentarian says, "surely, you've got something more than just your hair to show off today?"

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil walks directly over to emissarius Vlaven and Senator Burkenn to politely say, "Excuse me, we spoke earlier. You said I should drop by to receive payment for the auction?", with a charismatic smile.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike smiles and nods at Navi. "I'm not worried about lost children. We have a Temple full of younglings to track them down if need be. I am more concerned about these types."

    Windu strolls over to Burkenn and bows in greeting. "Honored Sir, how kind that you remember me."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann pauses a moment in some explanation to the crowd, looking over at the Drone and then the documentarian in turn.

    "I am performing tasks asked of me, as ever within the Order," she answers diplomatically. And then, much like she couldn't quite resist... "Might you be here for professional conduct, this time?"

Navi has posed:
"I'm more worried about /those/ types," Navi replies, still in a low voice, to Pike, nodding toward the paparazzi harassing Annelia and Cayde. "We may have to do something about him."

Her attention is caught by Senator Burkenn's questions. "We have, Senator, but only briefly," is her soft reply, accompanied by a deep bow. "It's good to see you in good health, and likewise your aide." Vlaven gets a nod and a soft, "Emissarius."

Athena (159) has posed:
As Burkenn has become sidetracked talking to Pike, Vlaven frowns when Heydan approaches him. "Yes, yes," he says a bit dismissively, waving a hand. "You'll be paid. Shouldn't take longer than two weeks."

Gianka seems surprised to see Heydan. "Mr Seegil," she gasps softly, suddenly looking emotional, "I hope your recovery was swift. I'm.. I'm so sorry about what happened at the gala. It was discovered that one of the employees from the catering company had secretly brought some recreational drugs with him for consumption. He was the one to prepare your drink, and there must have been some cross contamination. We'll... we'll still compensate you for your time."

Burkenn nods at Pike. "Of course. As a politician, it wouldn't do to not remember everyone's names." He nods at Navi. 'I don't believe I caught your name, miss."

Theos rolls his eyes at Annelia. "I always was," he says, "and I'm assuming whatever qualms you had about me being here were settled by your Council or whatever." However, Annelia won't get to further comment on the matter, as the next group is making their way over towards her. Gianka and Vlaven are among them...

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil shrugs and nods to Burkeen, "Well, I suppose that makes sense given the scandal of the affair and all.", then breathing a sigh of relief he addresses Gianka, "I am feeling much better now. Thank you!". Beaming a smile and a polite chuckle he adds, "Whatever was in that drink was not recreational. I am sure you'll find the suspect but don't be too hard on them. If it was an honest mistake then it is what it is and I don't want to be the guy who ruined some stoner's life."

Pike Windu has posed:
    "Of course, Senator." Pike bows his head before glancing at Heydan. "Haggling over money here, the Jedi Temple." Windu scoffs and turns back to Burkenn and Navi.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde notices Gianka and her father among the guests, and his gaze meets hers momentarily before he quickly turns away and resumes avoiding looking at anyone at all...

Navi has posed:
"Navi," replies Navi gently to Senator Burkenn. "Just Navi." She watches Heydan thoughtfully. "It /is/ an odd place to see someone about collecting a fee," she muses to Master Windu. Theos's exchange with Ann doesn't pass unnoticed, and she makes a mental note of it. "Someone's cranky," she adds. "Hope his camdroid is better behaved."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann glances at Cayde with a slight frown, tapping his shoulder and subtly signing 'hold together'.

    "Good afternoon, all. And some V.I.P.s among you! Welcome to the Temple. Any preliminary questions?"

Athena (159) has posed:
Gianka's expression changes to one of deep concern when Heydan tells her that the drug wasn't recreational. "But -- Dr. Cassias said..." But at that moment, Vlaven turns, flashing Heydan a charming smile. "Yes, and I'm relieved you were in and out of the hospital quickly, Mr. Seegil. We're deeply sorry for what happened, and we hope you'll accept our apology as well as compensation for your time and the incident. But since you're here, why don't you join us for a guided tour of the Temple?"

Gianka nods, and glances in Cayde's direction simultaneously, and clasping Vlaven's hand, urges him towards Annelia and Cayde. "If you feel so obliged," Gianka says, "we'd love for you to join us..."

"Senator Burkenn," Burkenn says, extending a hand towards Navi. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Navi." To Pike, he says, "Say, you wouldn't happen to know if the Council had decided regarding endorsing our anti-spice bill, have you?"

A teenaged Rodian waves a hand at Annelia. "Are we gonna get to see a lightsaber demo after the tour?"

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike's visage turns serious. "The last I heard, the Council is still investigating the legitimate medicinal properties of spice. A ban could adversely affect countless beings."

    The Jedi Master scans the crowd.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil shakes his head, "No, I am afraid I do not have time. There is another person I must speak to since my stay here is being extended. Sorry to have shown up at the Temple but your office said you would be here and I am not that affluent. Plus, I have a gig back home I need to get to which I need to pay for the travel on. Please understand?". Addressing the Jedi he quips back, "Please excuse me for my poverty in this unforessen situation.", before making his way out.

Navi has posed:
"Likewise, to you and your aide," Navi replies warmly to the Senator, returning his handshake in kind. She glances at Vlaven, noting the man's oily semi-smoothness as he addresses the hired man. Though she doesn't comment on it, she continues to watch him.

She blushes faintly as her eyes briefly meet Gianka's, hastily looking away. This is emphatically not the time for a crush. Fortunately, the hired man provides a convenient distraction she takes swift advantage of. "Poor man. I hope he makes it home safely."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    A slight smile from Ann at the question and she nods to the Rodian.

    "I am afraid that in the common areas of the temple a demonstration would be rather dangerous, so not at this moment. However the council does periodically have such displays in the training halls or outside, and I believe one is scheduled for later this afternoon. With training sabers, mind, so all can rest assured there will be no real injuries."

    Despite knowing the language quite well, she signals Cayde to follow along in GSL as previously discussed.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods and follows Ann, albeit his reaction is a bit delayed. This many crowds at the Temple isn't normal, and it takes nearly all of his effort to prevent himself from getting lost in a sea of their thoughts and perceptions.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Senator nods at politely at Navi, then starts to head after the group following Cayde and Annelia, and motions for Pike and Navi to walk with him. "Is that so?" Burkenn comments. "I do not mean to patronize, but perhaps you'd like to offer insight into this ... adverse effect you believe the ban could cause."

Navi might notice that when Heydan takes his leave, Vlaven looks...slightly relieved? Just for the barest moment. Then he turns back to Gianka and drapes an arm around her affectionately, planting a kiss on top of her head.

The Rodian teenager seems slightly disappointed, but doesn't further question the matter, as they're now advancing down the hallway towards the archives. Theos tails the group, his CAM droid hovering directly over Annelia and Cayde.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu falls into step with the senator. In a hushed voice, he says, "spice is a pain killer of last resort. As a healer, I would rather see a patient high on spice than in agony that cannot be relieved otherwise."

Navi has posed:
Navi lets herself fall back in the order of the tour, trying to let both Vlaven and the nosy paparazzi get ahead of her, so she can watch them both. Their presence here at the same time and Theos's harassment of Cayde and Annelia is beginning to feel like more than a coincidence to her, and she very much means to keep them well in view.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann very much falls into a rhythm of tour guidance, keeping half her attention on Cayde as she recites a series of rehearsed speeches about various parts of the temple, the code, and the aversion to absolutes- like how one can never be absolutely sure there will be no accidents even in a choreographed display with deadly implements.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde just continues following behind Ann, keeping his hood up and his face away from others. And the CAM droid especially....

Athena (159) has posed:
Burkenn's frown deepens. "That... is a bold statement, Master Windu," the senator comments. "Aren't you aware that spice can cause extremely adverse side effects on some, even when used medically?" he asks.

Navi might find it a bit difficult to let Theos and Vlaven stay ahead of her, the two of them linger quite far behind the group, perhaps noticeably so...

As Annelia starts to give a rehearsed speech on how there's no absolutes, she'll find herself suddenly interrupted by another passing Jedi that she might begrudgingly recognize. Til Tensent, a dark haired young Jedi Knight who had been Knighted around the same time as Annelia, with a reputation for being even less charismatic as Ann and thrice as dogmatic. "Belask is a bit mistaken," he suddenly interjects, "The Order is all about absolutes. The light side is absolute. So is the dark side, and should be avoided at all costs. All our philosophies about serenity, and attachment, are absolutes. Tenets that we -must- live and die by."

The group is caught off guard, and Cayde might find himself thrown off a bit, as there are a few deaf aliens in the group who are watching the young padawan unwaveringly for his translation.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu nods at the senator's rebuttal. "You are correct, Honorable Sir. This is why the Council is making a thorough investigation. There are trade-offs in all matters." The Jedi Master's last sentence is loud enough for all to hear.

Annelia Belask has posed:
Hers quirk of the eyebrow at the other knight before Ann manages to crack a slight smile. "Oh yes? And what of the times we hold conference with the Dathomiri on Jedha? Or must trust our feelings even as the code warns against emotion?" she shoots back mildly.

    "Everyone, please meet Tensent. One of my peers, and one with whom one can debate well into the night. One might call him... passionate," she says with some amusement, eyes flicking back to him a moment as she places a hand on Cayde's shoulder.

Navi has posed:
Navi isn't fully sure that her two quarries are hanging back deliberately, even if it does feel like they're keeping /awfully/ far back in the order of the tour. So much of the whole situation is murky, and she has a sinking feeling that Vlaven prefers it that way.

But something's happening at the head of the line, and she reluctantly abandons her position to slip back toward the front. But she doesn't stop watching the two. Oh, no.

It doesn't hurt that the present conversation is one she'd prefer to avoid. Pondering (or, worse, /talking about/) her seldom-mentioned status as a former Jedi is the /last/ thing she wants to do.

Athena (159) has posed:
"It's just Burkenn," the senator says with a nod, then continues with, "Trade offs? Interesting. I had you pegged as a more conservative medical professional, Master Windu," Burkenn says. "And I thought perhaps the Council would embrace our ideals quickly." There's a pause. "However, I must at least inquire on my stepdaughter's behalf - is it common among fetuses whose mothers were affected by spice to be born blind, deaf, or ... mute?"

Tensent huffs slightly, looking mildly embarrassed. "That was just you," he says, then turns to the crowd, "the Jedi do not mingle with those who would abuse the Force unless the circumstances are extremely dire, and on the off chance that they do, we are deeply careful of their ideals and prohibit contact with them, lest we become corrupted. And we do not trust our feelings, we trust in the Force, and its guiding, never our emotions. Our emotions will lead us astray--" He starts to ramble, flushing and riled up.  

But when Navi makes her way to the front of the crowd, the color drains from his face and he trails off. "... Navi?" The young Sephi will recognize him. They'd been in the same youngling clan, and had become padawans simultaneously. He'd always been terribly fond of Navi and very kind to her, but had been stationed on an outpost in the Outer Rim with his master when she'd returned to the Temple after her Master's passing.

Meanwhile, while Tensent provides a distraction, Vlaven and Theos break away from the group into a more secluded hallway...

Pike Windu has posed:
    "Well...yes, those side effects are well documented. Any healer worth his salt would never administer spice to a pregnant female!"

    The Jedi Master goes on. "As for myself, I have had to make too many life-or-death decisions during my career to be 'conservative.'"

Navi has posed:
Navi feels herself blushing, albeit faintly, as Tensent recognizes her. "Hello, Knight Tensent... congratulations on passing your trials," she offers softly. "I'd love to catch up, but this isn't the time or place for long reunions... perhaps we can discuss the matter over here, so we don't hold up the tour?" Probably much to the tour's relief, and certainly to Ann's.

'Over here' also happens to be closer to the more secluded hallway to which Vlaven and Theos had excused themselves so sneakily. They'd been clever about it, too; she'd almost missed their disappearance, and only a suggestion of movement in the wrong place and their absence clued her in as to where they might have gone.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde hasn't exactly been doing a very good job of his translations, to be fair. Most of it is a rather oversimplified version of what is actually being said.

    When the argument disrupts the rehearsed tour, he hasn't even managed to catch up to the part that was actually disrupted, so he just continues translating Ann's recitations...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "And yet the force has many ways to guide a Jedi- and well. Flexing in extenuating circumstances does not an absolute make."

    She shrugs it off as Navi comes in to redirect the other knight and returns her attention to the crowd. "So. Before we get back to the usual routine, any questions?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"I... see," Burkenn says, suddenly noticing Vlaven and Theos break away from the group and wander off. His gaze follows them for a moment, and he frowns. But then he turns back to Pike. "Master Windu, if I may be so bold, the Jedi forbid attachment, correct? And I should think this rule quite strict, yes? No contact with any family members, no text transmissions, and certainly not in person meetings...?"

Tensent seems utterly speechless for a moment, shocked that she's ... here, of all places. "Thank you.. I... what are you doing here?" he asks, stepping towards Navi, unsure of what else to say.

The audience Cayde is translating for seem a bit impatient, though. One of them waves at Anne, and points at Cayde, signing to her that Cayde is behind in the translations and that they want to know what Tensent had been saying.

Navi will be close enough to secluded hallway to see that they're having some kind of private conversation, but she won't be able to make out exactly what they're saying... she'll need to get closer...

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike nods again. "That is so, Senator. But there again are trade-offs. Being a Jedi can be a lonely life. A Jedi must make the deepest commmitment. But at great cost. "

Navi has posed:
Navi can emphatically relate to 'at great cost', but isn't about to bring it up. "I've been a guest here on and off for several weeks. At least, when I'm not on Jedha," she replies softly, leading Tensent away from the tour group. "Until recently, I was living there all but exclusively. Sadly, it's a rather bad time to discuss life and how it's been treating us... I'm looking into some shady business at the moment. I'll gladly meet you for the evening meal to discuss matters," she offers, "but I regretfully must go for now." Laying a finger over her lips in a universal shushing gesture, she creeps closer to the corridor where Vlaven and Theol are hiding out...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann nods to the crowd- looking at Cayde a moment with a raise of the eyebrow that more suggests she's checking in than questioning him before explaining the diversion in brief with her own GSL, as well as a brief explanation that Cayde has come to assist despite not feeling his best today, which... isn't what one might call untrue, really.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde glances over at Ann as she explains to them for him, his feelings of inadequacy rising up inside of him all the more. He looks away, feeling ashamed of himself. Ah...how else could he have expected this to go, anyway?

Athena (159) has posed:
Burkenn doesn't seem at all bothered, actually. Instead, he seems satisfied with Pike's answer. "Yes, of course. That makes sense to me. Being the Republic's peacekeepers is no small task and would require complete devotion and dedication," he says. There's a pause. "You've met my step daughter Gianka, correct?" he says to Pike. "Well, if you see her about the Temple after this for any reason at all, will you immediately notify me?" He hands Pike a card with a comm frequency on it.

"Oh," Tensent says, not seeming to know what else to say. "Well... I'm.. I'm sorry about what happened to your Master," he says, looking slightly disappointed as she steps away to eavesdrop on Vlaven and Theos. He returns to the group, frowning. "Belask," he says, regaining his composure, "it looks like you've lost a couple people from your tour group. And the Council was explicit in stating that no guests on the guided tours of the Temple should be allowed to free roam without the supervision of the tour guides." He arches a brow at Cayde. "You didn't wear your formal robes," he says a bit judgmentally, "And Oppo was just saying the other day that how we present ourselves to the public is of utmost importance."

Navi will be able to hear Vlaven asking Theos about a 'verdict'.

"... daytime curfew, I guess," Theos continues, "And I guess they gave him this gig to do in the meantime. They're letting him out after dark, though."

Vlaven's brow furrows. "Hn. For how long?"

"A month."

But then they turn and start slowly making their way back to the tour group.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu takes the card and it disappears under his sash. "Of course, Senator. It has been an honor speaking to you. If you'll excuse me, I have duty in the infirmary. May the Force be with you."

Navi has posed:
"Excuse me, Gentlebeings," Navi says, in her best forbidding voice, stepping into the mouth of the hallway where Vlaven and Theos have been chatting, "but leaving the tour group without an escort and a compelling reason is not allowed. Please return to the tour group immediately." The Sephi girl places her hands on her hips and scowls noticeably.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann just smiles down at Cayde a moment before resuming the tour- doing her best to keep straightforward and unbothered as the ore familiar faces rejoin the group.

    While they're too in public right now, presumably later there will be some speech to Cayde about how he did well today, didn't go out of body once and just had a moment's falling behind on some translation during his first day doing this kind of thing he was so anxious about. Will it help? Probably not immediately, but perhaps in time.

Athena (159) has posed:
"We were hoping to have a look at the busts of the Lost Twenty," Vlaven remarks casually, "but it seems that area is off limits. No need for concern," he says casually, "we're returning now."

The two of them make their way back to the tour group, Theos pinching Navi's cheek mischievously as he passes her. They act as if nothing had occurred, but it will be clear to Navi that they had been spying on Cayde, and likely Anne by proxy as well. How they'd managed to find out the private verdict for the young padawan may remain a mystery for now, but the young Sephi girl may have a feeling it has everything to do with Theo's CAM droid and the fact that he'd been in and around the Temple long before this...

Navi has posed:
Navi glares after them. Especially the patronizing, pinching Theos. But she follows them back to the tour group, meeting any looking back from the two with a no-nonsense faint scowl.

Only once they're back in the group does she return to the head of the line. "You shouldn't distract the tour guides, Knight Tensent, even over codes of behavior. People might take advantage," she says gently, but not so quietly that others won't overhear.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The smile from Ann helps a little bit, although Cayde is fully aware of the low expectations. Great, he managed not to throw up, pass out, or get lost in his own home.

    Amazing work, right?

    He sighs and just keeps going, eager to get this over with.

Athena (159) has posed:
Tensent flushes, looking embarrassed. "She wasn't reciting our tenets correctly," he mumbles, shaking his head.

Then his expression softens. "I should go. But...we should speak sometime," he says a bit awkwardly."I'll see you around.."

Then he breaks away from the tour group.