Boarding the Legacy II
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Boarding the Legacy II | |
Date of Scene: | 29 December 2024 |
Location: | |
Synopsis: | All members of the Tenoo Initiative board the Legacy II just before it leaves. |
Cast of Characters: | 159, Heydan Seegil, Pike Windu, Navi, Cayde Alexis |
- Athena (159) has posed:
Today is the day.
The day twenty five hundred colonists would board the massive passenger freight, the Legacy II, and set out for Tenoo, likely not to return for at least two years.
The artificial Coruscant dusk is starting to settle in, as the last twenty or thirty passengers have their final documentation check before they board the Legacy II.
Behind the final passengers come the Jedi, and a few members of the Tenoo Initiative's leadership, including the doctor, Hedge Niklas, and Taryn San Tekka...
- Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil watches as the passengers embark wondering what the angle is to invite the Jedi along for this ride. Something was fishy and Cayde wouldn't go along with his plan to turn the colony into a galactic black market so he could do nothing but stand here and guess at who was corrupt.
- Pike Windu has posed:
Jedi Master Pike Windu comes along pushing an anti-grav sled. The sled effortlessly carries a worn trunk with, presumably, everything Windu will need for a long stay on the Rim.
- Navi has posed:
Navi watches the boarding of the ship from among the ranks of the Jedi, grateful for not having to be among the dense crowds around the boarding locks. An ancient backpack that still bears the Republic Marines patches from at least a full generation ago is strapped to her back, along with her usual medical satchel, and an equally ancient porter droid sits idling beside her, carrying a surprisingly new spacer's chest that bears both her identification markings and its original price tags. The colony initiative finally came through with her demand for additional clothing, perhaps? The Galaxy Wonders...
She waves to Heydan and Master Windu, moving to join them. "Great day for starliner watching, don't you think?" she asks, just slightly sarcastically. "My bad feeling about this whole thing still hasn't gone away, so I'm considering it official."
- Cayde Alexis has posed:
Cayde is with the other Jedi...sort of. Presumably Ann is around somewhere, but he's taken to the rear of the group, trailing significantly behind. Part of it is the crowds...part of it is that he's still pretty nervous about this entire trip. And the crowds aren't making it any better.
- Athena (159) has posed:
The doctor doesn't greet any of them, instead, he heads straight into the Legacy II. Pike will get a friendly wave from Hedge Niklas before he follows the doctor onto the vessel, though.
Taryn nods stiffly but politely at Navi, and then moves to greet Pike with a bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you, finally, Master Windu. I'm so glad to have the Jedi along on this trip," he says. "My name is Taryn San Tekka. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier."
- Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil smirks at Navi, "Yeah, you're correct on that one. We're all bound to die on this misadventure.", and chuckles. "Well, I suppose I'll see you all aboard. No point in just waiting around.", he says to the group as he walks off to board the ship.
- Pike Windu has posed:
Master Windu bows gracefully. "I'm honored, both to meet you and to be here. I hope my presence will be beneficial."
- Navi has posed:
"Guess /someone's/ still up on the wrong side of the bed," Navi observes, watching Dr. Cassias walk past without a word. She doesn't seem to care if he hears her or not. "Hello again, Taryn San Tekka," she adds to Taryn. "You haven't seen Xera Graf, have you? I haven't. It's possible I just missed her."
She looks to Heydan, nodding. "I wish I could laugh at it as much as you. I've already almost been killed in the Outer Rim. Tends to ruin the joke."
- Athena (159) has posed:
Once Heydan is aboard the Legacy II, he'll notice his two other not so friendly colleagues, Mondrian and Veena keeping watching over a group of passengers playing a heated game of sabacc in the lounge. There's someone he won't recognize with them, though - a Zeltron man with jet black hair that sports a long white stripe that runs adjacent to his hairline. They're speaking to one another in hushed tones, and none of them look happy.
"Same," Taryn says. "And I'm sure your presence will be." He turns to Navi, frowning. "She's already boarded. But why would you want to go looking for her?"
But before Navi can reply, several official Republic usher droids announce that everyone should start boarding the Legacy II immediately.
However, as they begin to ascend the gangplank, a familiar young voice calls out breathlessly, "Master Jedi! Master Windu!"
- Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil turns in his stride to respond to Navi, "Almost been killed on the Outer Rim? Ha!", he chortles looking genuinely amused. "Try almost becoming a Hutt's slave.", he smirks and then turns back around skipping down the hallway of the ship to meet up with his colleagues.
- Pike Windu has posed:
Windu is in no hurry, despite the boarding call. But the sound of his name attracts his attention.
- Navi has posed:
"Not that I was trying to, but it would be hard to top that," Navi muses, shrugging at Heydan's departing comment. She looks to Taryn. "I wasn't. Not so much, anyway. I was just wondering if she was coming after all, since I didn't see her board the ship. But I got here while the boarding was well under way, so I was entertaining the possibility that I'd missed her."
She rolls her eyes at the usher droids. "Better come on, Master," she says softly. "We've got a fiasco to get to, and we wouldn't want to be late." She beckons to the ancient porter droid, which trundles to life and dutifully creeps after her on softly-clattering treads.
- Cayde Alexis has posed:
Trailing behind the other Jedi, Cayde finally makes his way onto the ship just as the droids start hurrying everyone along. He checks a datapad for his room assignment, aiming to set his meager belongings down there before moving on to anything else.
- Athena (159) has posed:
If Windu stops walking for a moment, he'll find his legs suddenly tightly embraced by a certain young Nikto boy wearing a backpack, tears in his eyes. "Master--! I was.. I was looking for you. The droids at the Temple said you were leaving..." the boy seems so distraught.
Taryn's brows furrow. "You should be careful," the young San Tekka man says. "She might be beautiful and rich, but you'll regret entangling yourself with her," he says, "either as a lover, friend, or enemy." Then he follows the usher droids onto the Legacy II.
Once Cayde boards the ship, and goes to his quarters, he'll find that his and Anne's chambers are special suites that have been specially marked and set aside for them by the Chancellor himself. Across the hall are Windu's quarters, as well as the room for the other Jedi accompanying them, Oona Yutelli. The elder Mirialan is already inside her quarters and mostly settled. Her eyes light up when she sees the young Padawan. "Cayde!"
- Cayde Alexis has posed:
Cayde makes his way into the suite assigned to himself and his master and then heads into one of the smaller bedrooms to set down the few bags that he has. As he ventures back out to start showing himself around the ship, he catches sight of Oona as she greets him.
[Master Oona] he signs, and bows respectfully before her. There was something deeply familiar about her, somehow...
- Pike Windu has posed:
Windu almost...ALMOST...loses his balance. Looking down at the boy, he smiles warmly.
"Well, what a pleasant surprise. Come to see me off, have you." It is not a question.
- Navi has posed:
"I already do, actually," Navi replies to Taryn as he turns to leave. As Master Windu is grappled by a familiar Nikto boy, she pauses to offer a small smile. "Don't worry. Master Windu won't be gone for good. I suspect we'll be back in just a couple years. Maybe even sooner!"
"I sure /hope/ sooner... for all of our sakes," she murmurs almost into her sleeve, hoping not to be overheard.
- Athena (159) has posed:
She embraces him suddenly, then cups his face gently for a moment. "You've grown up so well," she says. "Do you remember me?" she says reaching out into the Force to nudge his psyche affectionately.
Tommy doesn't let go of Windu's leg. "Master Windu, they took my mom away. She was too sick, so they took her somewhere so she could get better. But we couldn't go with her. I don't know why. Then they took away Binny, and put me in a scary place full of mean kids, all alone. Please take me with you...." He clings to the elder Jedi, ignoring Navi for now.
Taryn gives Navi a judgmental look but doesn't comment as he leaves to board the vessel.
- Pike Windu has posed:
"I can't. I may be gone a long time. If you went with me, your mother would be healed and wanting you long before you returned. That wouldn't be very nice." The Jedi bends over and tries to pull his leg free.
- Navi has posed:
Navi rolls her eyes at Taryn's look. She also doesn't miss that Tommy is ignoring her in favor of Master Windu. "Who says blondes have more fun?" she murmurs irritably, glancing back toward the towering starship and the usher droids.
"This is serious, Master," she says softly. "The authorities may mean well, but that doesn't help Tommy and his family. Especially with Tommy being stuck in a home like that. What can we do about this?" she asks worriedly. "Especially right now? They've already given last call for boarding."
Her own conscience is torn by the circumstances, too. One part of her trills with joy at an excuse to stay behind, while another insists she be there for very nearly all of her friends, all aboard the ship. She clenches a fist against the tension of the moment.
- Cayde Alexis has posed:
Well yes, Cayde had heard about Master Yutelli returning to the Coruscant rather recently, from her travels as a Seeker. However, it would appear that she'd known him when he was a child? He frowns pensively...maybe that was why she seemed so familiar--well, familiar beyond the past few weeks.
He pulls away from the embrace after a moment to answer the question. [...kind of] he replies, a bit uncertain.
- Athena (159) has posed:
Tommy shakes his head, but lets go of Windu's leg. "I don't want to come back here," Tommy says, distraught. "I don't want to go back to that place, with all the mean kids."
And before Windu or Navi can protest, the young Nikto boy darts into the crowd of people ascending the gangplank and disappears from view! Looks like Legacy II might end up with a little stowaway...!
Oona smiles gently at Cayde. "Well, you were very young. I was the one who met the Antarian Rangers who had found you on that ship fourteen years ago."
- Pike Windu has posed:
Windu sighs as Tommy disappears into the transport. The Jedi Master looks at Navi and shrugs.
"His destiny is on the Rim. The Force."
- Navi has posed:
Welllll... /fudge/. Navi has a faint impulse to follow Tommy's example, in the opposite direction, in the wake of his sudden dash aboard, but she squashes it viciously and hopes it stays that way (it very likely won't, of course).
"We'd better hope so, Master. I'll see if I can get ahold of the agencies, so his family at least has some idea that he's alive and safe. Or at least accounted for. We'd better get moving if we don't want security to get him first."
Crushing back her reservations again, she starts up the gangway, the porter droid trundling dutifully after her.
- Cayde Alexis has posed:
The Antarian Rangers? Oh...
He'd been told about them, and their hand in his rescue, even though he didn't really remember them himself. [Thank you master] he signs, nodding.
- Athena (159) has posed:
The droids are becoming more aggressive in trying to get everyone aboard now, so Navi and Pike had better hurry up and board the Legacy II.
She smiles and gestures for Cayde to walk with her down the hallway. "Are you excited?"
- Pike Windu has posed:
Windu smiles at Navi. "They really do mean to leave without us. How rude. Put your pack on my sled." After a pause, "I look forward to unraveling this mystery...with you."
- Cayde Alexis has posed:
[I am] Cayde replies, nodding again. Although it is a bit more complicated than that, and she can probably feel it. There is some apprehension, as he's never really been that far from the Core or even from Coruscant for such an extended period of time before.
- Navi has posed:
"I'm in this at least for the short haul, Master," Navi replies gratefully to Pike, unshouldering her pack as bidden and setting it on top of the repulsorlift sled. "Thank you, by the way. It's not heavy, but I can tell it's been a while since I've worn it." At least the porter droid is still with her, to her relief.
She glances back at the usher droids, picking up her pace. "They sure are pushy," she muses.
- Athena (159) has posed:
Even as Navi and Pike board the vessel, the gangplank starts close. And if Navi isn't careful, it will close on her robe and rip it...
There's a small crowd of folks gathered there too, since the lounge is just across the way. Vons and the two UCSF officers Cayde and Navi had seen earlier on Jedha are still there, watching everyone filter in.
"You'll be alright," Oona reassures Cayde, patting his arm. "You have your master, and Pike, as well as myself. We'll make sure you're comfortable. As long as you're not chronically struck with a bad case of wanderlust." She chuckles and pats his cheek. "Come. Master Windu is here now, we should help him unpack and get settled." She leads Cayde towards where the others are.
- Pike Windu has posed:
Windu pushes the sled into the ship. The Jedi Master glances at signage on the bulkhead. "We're down here."
Unaware of the danger to Nvi's modesty, "the Chancellor was good enough to arrange a single cabin for me. Are you sharing with anyone?"
- Cayde Alexis has posed:
Cayde follows Oona into the lounge where a fair number of people seem to be congregating as they start to get themselves situated on board. He sighs and rubs his forehead though, starting to feel a headache coming on. Yeah there were too many people in here. He glances around and starts heading down a random hallway, getting out a layout of the ship as he does. He may as well familiarize himself with this place, after all...
- Navi has posed:
"I don't know, Master. I haven't really seen anything of my quarters except the room number. It's close to the Jedi berths," Navi says, stepping to one side of the boarding hatch to let the porter droid through. The move accidentally causes the hem of her robe to catch in the edge of the closing hatch, which she doesn't notice. Even if she had, it's just possible that no one would have opened the hatch again anyway once it had been secured. "Is that Cayde over there? I'm not sure I recognize the woman with him."
- Athena (159) has posed:
Oona continues down the hallway towards Pike and Navi. She smiles and waves at them as soon as she sees them, beckoning for them to follow her to their quarters. She isn't aware of Cayde wandering away until she looks over and notices that he's no longer by her side. <... Cayde?> she reaches out telepathically.
- Cayde Alexis has posed:
<Yes Master?> Hey, at least he responded. Although there is not much more than that. He checks the map on his datapad. Well the dining hall seemed to be nearby, he may as well check that out.
- Navi has posed:
"Should we follow her, Master?" Navi asks, looking at Oona. She certainly seems friendly enough, at least, and she's a Jedi, so the blonde Sephi feels she can be trusted. She's still struggling with her misgivings about the whole initiative, or she wouldn't think twice about going with her.
She instinctively starts toward Oona, but freezes just an instant too late at a stiff pull at her robe and the loud sound of tearing synthfabric, her eyes wide with startled shock. Looking back, she sees the back of her robe torn from her hem to her waist, and probably even higher (she just can't see it). It certainly feels unnecessarily loose at her shoulders and neck, and she's instantly conscious of a sudden chill along her back and the backs of her legs...
"Bother!" she cries softly in frustration, blushing and taking a step back to keep the tear in her robe facing the wall, even as the ruined garment tries to fall off of her shoulder, and has to be snatched back into place awkwardly. "A spacer's pox on robes and cheap synthfabric..."
- Pike Windu has posed:
At the sound of tearing fabric, Windu glances over his shoulder. He sees Navi's distress and immediately surmises the cause. With a rush of fabric, the Jedi takes off his great coat and holds it open, shielding the woman and letting her slip it on if she chooses.
- Athena (159) has posed:
<Don't wander off, please. I think Master Windu will need some help with his belongings> Oona says. Then she turns to Pike and Navi. "Oona Yutelli," the elderly Mirialan says politely with a bow, smiling kindly at them. "Master Windu. I'm glad to finally meet you in person. Your presence does not disappoint." She turns to Navi, to ask her what her name is, but it would appear the young Sephi woman is busy trying to cover herself...
The sound attracts some attention. Vons, in particular, looks over. He suppresses a laugh, but watches Navi fondly for a moment, before coming over. "Hey, you okay?" he asks. A pause, and he rubs his neck pensively. "Look, I know seeing you again was a bit of a... rocky restart, but maybe we can forget about whatever's going on with this initiative for a second and ... grab a drink? They have an open bar in the lounge. Nothing fancy, but how about some gin and tonic?"
Cayde will likely eventually find himself in the dining hall. He may recognize the doctor's droid there, chasing a smaller RJ unit around.
- Cayde Alexis has posed:
Wander off? But they are all on the same ship... Cayde rolls his eyes. He watches the droids chasing each other around for a few minutes, then sighs and figures he'd better head back to the lounge.
Upon arriving, he finds Navi with Pike's robe on her back. It was odd, why did that keep happening? He wanders over to the table where the sabacc cards are still set out and sits down next to Seegil's unsavory colleagues.
- Navi has posed:
Navi isn't about to refuse Pike's chivalrous gesture, especially with her ruined robe trying to fall off on the spot! She accepts the robe with a grateful look and hastily draws it around her, pulling it shut. "Thank you, Master," she says in harried gratitude, still blushing. "Your timing's a minor miracle."
She cautiously looks to Vons, still blushing. "I'll live. Thanks for looking out for me. You and Master Windu seem to have that as your second job. I'm fine with a drink, but can you give me a bit to change and return Master Windu's robe?"
"Hello, Master Yutelli. I'm Navi. I am a Novice of the Shining Brotherhood, assuming they don't expel me for costing them so much in replacement robes. And possibly for going on this trip. Either way, I'm honored to meet you," she adds to Master Oona.
- Pike Windu has posed:
Windu beams at the praise from Navi.
Turning to his fellow Jedi, Pike bows. "An honor to meet you, Master Yutelli. I am glad you are here."
- Athena (159) has posed:
As soon as Cayde comes and seats himself next to Seegil's unsavory colleagues, they get up and walk away, disappearing into the crowd with a scowl. Seems his company isn't wanted...
"Ah, right, yeah. I'll uh.. I'll wait here for you." Vons says, a flicker of fear passing over his expression.
Oona bows politely to Navi. "A pleasure to meet you. But I won't keep you," she says, "I'm sure you're wanting to head to your quarters to change your clothes." She then steps aside and gestures the way towards the barracks.
"Thank you," she says kindly to Pike. "Now, about getting you settled in...!" She starts heading down the hallway herself.
- Cayde Alexis has posed:
Cayde sighs as he watches them walk away as soon as he sits down. Ah, wasn't too out of the the ordinary. Sometimes the other padawans at the Temple did that, if they could find a good excuse or if they didn't think anyone important was watching. He starts fiddling with the cards and chips that had been left at the table, levitating them into the air and making them swirl about in circles like a miniature hurricane.
- Pike Windu has posed:
Windu unloads Navi's pack from his sled. "Seems we're going in different directions. See you later."
The Jedi Master follows his colleague.
- Navi has posed:
"Thank you, Master Windu, Master Yutelli. For what it's worth, I think I'm on the same corridor as the Jedi berths.," Navi replies, accepting her pack and loading it onto the porter droid, which warbles in protest. In truth the added weight doesn't begin to push the ancient droid's motors and suspension anywhere near its maximum payload, but it's been several decades since its last memory wipe, and it's gotten rather cranky since then.
"I'll be back in a bit. I'll try not to keep you waiting, promise," she adds to Vons. Offering him a quick, slightly embarrassed smile, she hurries toward her room, careful not to tread on the hem of Pike's borrowed cloak-robe.
- Athena (159) has posed:
The other passengers in the lounge either watch Cayde with passive curiosity, though some children flock to the table, utterly fascinated by the floating chips.
"Yeah... sure." The Zeltron man says, averting his gaze and looking mildly disappointed. He sighs and leans against the counter at the open bar. But once Navi's back is turned, he watches her go, smiling fondly...