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The Kaleesh were a sentient species from the Wild Space world of Kalee. Amongst the warriors of Kaleesh, it was traditional to wear fearsome masks carved from the skulls and bones of either a Mumuu or Erkush, with karabbac blood used as war paint lines above their eyes. Kaleesh would not tolerate someone who wore a similar mask just for effect. The Kaleesh wore cloaks and head wraps. They used weaponry like swords, shields and Czerka Outland rifle.

A species of red-skinned humanoid reptilians from the planet Kalee in Wild Space, the Kaleesh had two yellow eyes with slit pupils. Although all of their facial features were reminiscent of bats, such as their elongated ears and flat noses a tusks protruded from their upper jaws, with shorter ones protruding from their chins but they usually wore masks to hide their faces. The Kaleesh had a keen sense of smell. They had long thin arms that ended in four-fingered claws that extended from their hands with two opposable thumbs, they were digitigrades, walking on their toes rather than their entire feet, and they possessed a brain, a heart, and lungs. Their internal organs were extremely flammable.

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Racial Traits


The Kaleesh were known for their lack of mercy. Returning with spoils of war, the Kaleesh freely appropriate the goods of the conquered. They take a -2 penalty to defensive Willpower rolls against Persuade, Telepathy, Influence, Illusion, Con or any other manipulative skill involving enticement with material wealth.


A Kaleesh's tough, scaly skin gives them a +3 bonus to Toughness for resisting physical damage.