Outer Rim Economic Convention Part 2

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Outer Rim Economic Convention Part 2
Date of Scene: 06 May 2024
Location: Cantonica
Synopsis: Day 2 of the Outer Rim Economic Convention.
Cast of Characters: Cayde Alexis, 352, Annelia Belask, Tresslo Covo, 141, 341, Navi, Pike Windu

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Today on Cantonica, the Republic has sponsored a large gathering of people from all around the galaxy. The event is mainly focused on giving Outer Rim businesses and other organizations a place to promote their various services and/or wares or just get their names out there.

    So today the racetrack has been repurposed into a convention space with many open markets and promotional booths where hundreds of businesses are selling various items from pet tookas to multitools to meiloorun fruit, and some are likely giving away promotional samples or running sweepstakes or other games to win free items or services.

    As it is a Republic-sponsored event, the Jedi of course have a presence as well. After all there are many in the Outer Rim who know very little about the Order and what its stands for. Some are tending the booth, while others are wandering about exploring the event and making new acquaintances.

    It's the second day of the convention, and some may notice that there are more reporters and media personnel milling about than yesterday. Most probably know why--the news of an...incident involving Chancellor Rie was quick to make it to the HoloNet. An incident that the Jedi Order had been accused of being responsible for. Nothing terribly serious, at least as far as anyone knows, but it was a bit of an embarrassment.

    As it is, several journalists are hanging around the Order's booth, trying to ask whomever will talk about what happened yesterday...

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin walks in at the periphery of the racetrack, scanning the gathered crowd, his eyes narrowing and landing on the Jedi Order Booth and the assembled reporters there. He flexs his jaw in discomfort, the possibility of having to interact with the nosy newshounds grating him at mere thought.

The Antarian Ranger Lieutenant, dressed in the customary blue fatigues, with matching blue patrol cap, boots, and the brown bomber jacket traditionally awarded to Rangers upon the completion of their training. He turns to his small squad of Explorers, a team of Bothans who are dressed in the typical blue fatigue uniform, still with fresh creases and newly issued. He issues orders for them to take up protective positions around the racetrack, up in the stands and near the major exits, to ensure that nothing untowards will happen. "Make sure you mingle with the crowd, you guys. Try to look like you belong..."

The Bothans all nod and salute in a stiff fashion, worthy of a parade ground. Crix nods and offers a much more casual salute to the brim of his battered cap. "Carry on." ...and they all disperse. He watches them as they head to their positions, ensuring that they do not need to be manually reorganized. Crix sighs softly. They were as subtle as a wookie raiding party, but at least they were trying.

He chuckled at their eagerness as he sauntered off into the center of the the racetrack, towards the Jedi booth, trying to find a way around to the back without catching the suspicion of the reporters. He pulls the cap down over his eyes, shading them from view.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Unfortunately for Crix, the uniform kind of spoils any chances he had of really blending in. And also the way his squad paraded in. It's crowded enough that the reporters don't come running immediately, but as soon as he approaches the both, a few them hurry up to him with camera drones. Seeing the stripes on his uniform they immediately address him by his rank.

    "Lieutenant! The Antarian Rangers work closely with the Jedi, is that correct? Do you know anything about the incident with the Chancellor yesterday? Do you think the Order is really responsible? Have you heard any news regarding His Excellency's health??"

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin avoids audibly sighing, but does breath in through his nose. He should have assumed that trying to go unnoticed would have been a futile effort in any case. He attempts what, for him, would be a diplomatic smile, but comes out looking like a bit of a grimace.

    "Yes, we serve in whatever endeavor the Republic requirees of us and are often called upon to assist the Jedi Order in the completion of their missions. I am newly arrived on Planet, actually, and me and my Team are here to assist with both finding out what exactly happened and making sure the event can continue smoothly and without disruption."

    Crix pauses for a second before continuing. "I have not heard anything regarding the Chancellor's health, but I am sure whenever anything is known, it will be shared with you fine people."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann's not the most... charming of jedi, and in fact rubs a fair number of her peers the wrong way. But when she's moving and being physical she -can- be something of a whirlwind.

    Which is perhaps why a flurry of white and brown robes walks past the gaggle of reporters and one poor Ranger, a remarkably strong hand for a fairly average looking human woman taking hold of Crix's jacket as the figure blows by at a pace that would imply a hurry if it were twenty percent -slower-. It's a jedi, of course, with fiery red hair and a serious, almost dour disposition to her face with the definite sensation that that might just be normal for her. Mind, a trained eye could probably see she's... pretty well-built under the voluminous robes, explaining her grip on his jacket.

    "Pardon me, reporters, but I need to borrow the Ranger for a moment," she says over her shoulder.

Tresslo Covo has posed:
    The Jedi Order has set up several booths of their own, one of which displays holographic images of their dealings with Republic-based ventures and corporations. The presenters have cycled in and out through the day and is currently manned by a Padawan learner who wears a broad, toothy smile. Tresslo Covo speaks to a budding crowd of tourists, traders, and Jedi enthusiasts, and he goes on and on about the Jedi's commitment to prosperity and mutual assistance.

    That smile falters slightly when he spots the reporters and their countless drones swarming the Antarian Ranger. But another, senior Jedi seems to have the situation handled, and so the Mirialan continues the presentation, handing out brochures to listeners. "The Outer Rim, in particular, would greatly benefit from the stability and peace the Order provides..."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin tenses immediately at the feel of someone's hand on his jacket and is ready to whirl around on them when...he is whirled around and away from the scene.

    An icy glare is trained towards Annelia and the Ranger's mouth is about to open in protest when he is able to assess the nature of his 'captor'. Realizing that, of course, the woman in the robes has to be a Jedi. Evidently a particularly powerful one, which does not ease his tension, but at least he does not protest. Boring conversation anyway...

    He offers an apologetic smile over his shoulder at the reporters, the smile was small enough that it would have easily gone unnoticed since they had gained distance on the reporters.

    He turns back to Annelia and mutters. "Thanks for the save, ma'am."

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
Seconds after Anne barges into the thronging paparazzi and starts to sweep the Ranger away, several new faces will arrive at the scene and perhaps distract the reporters from Crix and the red headed Jedi. It's Sanzo Laa, and some of Rie's extended family who also either serve in the private sector or the Senate.

Most of the faces are easily recognized - there's Senator Burkenn, Rie's adoptive cousin, along with his stepdaughter, Gianka. Then tailing behind her and the tall, middle aged senator is Dr. Soren Cassias, Gianka's biological uncle and close friend to the Chancellor.

"There's no need for a fuss," Senator Burkenn announces in a booming voice. "I'm here to make a statement on behalf of the Chancellor." He glances briefly over at Sanzo, who nods slightly. He frowns, then proceeds. "Chancellor Rie is in fine health. I visited with him last night. He was released by the medical facility as of this morning, but I regret to inform you that he will not be making an appearance today. Any events scheduled for the Chancellor today have been summarily canceled. My apologies."

His stepdaughter, while the Senator is speaking, peels off and wanders over to where Tress is handing out brochures and giving a presentation on the peace and stability the Order brings to the Outer Rim. She raises a hand politely. "Excuse me," she says politely, "but will you humor me this, how exactly does the Order plan to bring peace and stability to the Outer Rim?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The vague answer that Crix gives seems to just make them hungry for even more. They crowd ever more eagerly. "Thank you Lieutenant Ranger, would you share your name? How is the investigation coming along? What do you think about the accusation against the Order..." But then before they can ask even more questions, Ann comes along and whisks him away. "Sir--! Wait--!" Some of them start trying to follow, but then seem to give up the chase, as it seems there some kind of presentation going on at the booth. So they instead approach Tresslo as he is handing out flyers. "Sir, do you have any comments about the accusations made against the Order regarding yesterday's incident with the Chancellor? Some within his administration are concerned about its ability to take care of of the younger Padawans..."

    However, before Tresslo can even answer, Senator Burkenn arrives and starts giving them -some- of what they're starving for so they quickly turn their attention to him instead. Once he's finished talking however, they all erupt into a clamor of questions. "Senator! You said His Excellency is in fine health, do you mean that physically, or mentally, or both? Some are saying the collapse was due to a panic attack of some kind?"
    "Senator Burkenn sir, do you believe the Order was responsible? Could it have been intentional, if so?"
    "What's preventing the Chancellor from making further appearances at the convention?"
    "Dr. Cassias! Have you personally seen to the Chancellor's health?"

    While the general public can only guess who might be the core of this incident, most of those in the Order and certainly those present now probably already have a fair idea who it was...and that certain padawan is trailing behind Ann, his hood pulled and his eyes trained on the ground doing his best not to make eye contact with anyone...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Not a problem, Ranger," says Ann over her shoulder as she releases Crix's jacket, nodding to the soldier with a faint hint of a half-smile.

    "Just been in those situations myself and I think I have an okay read on when others don't like them either. You met my padawan here, Cayde? He was here yesterday while I was tied up with bureaucratic jedi nonsense. Shot of trouble along the way as we're currently hearing about," she explains as she gestures vaguely towards the crowd gathered around the announcement concerning Rie.

    "Don't let the hustle and bustle fool you- people get worried about Jedi Tricks but from what I was told it was the Force equivalent of slipping and bumping into the man a little too hard. That is, of course, assuming I'm right and you're here about Rie."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin offers a wry half-smile to Annelia, turns to Cayde and nods with no expression on his face. There is no emotion as he glances at Cayde, but he is clearly sizing up the Padawan.

    Finally he turns back to Annelia. "Lieutenant Crix Jobin, ma'am. My men and I are indeed here to...assist with the added attention caused by your Padawan." He offers flatly, no judgement or sympathy to be detected. He does, however, offer another wry smile as he continues. "Perhaps I should be more concerned about how easily read I am if you were able to tell not only that I needed saving back there, but what my mission is."A quick chuckle, but back to business.

    "My orders were primarily to ensure the protection of both your delegation and the event in its entirety, and I believe my men add in...sufficient position to provide that. Unofficially, however, I am here to assist in ensuring that any Republic investigation conducted will have whatever cooperation it requires from the Antarian Rangers. I understand that despite the harmless nature of your Padawan's...slip...there is some concern about public discomfort with the Order."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann pauses in her stride and turns to Crix with a quirk of the brow. "Well, first- Annelia Belask, Jedi Knight. And be honest with me. Wouldn't it be stranger if there was no wariness about us? We have abilities that seem mystical to outsiders and walk around with weapons capable of carving through a starfighter on our hips as a matter of course. Not to say we shouldn't be careful because of that, just the opposite."

    She turns and begins walking again, gesturing for the ranger and the padawan to carry on as she moves for the Jedi booth setup. Still, she continues; "I appreciate you coming by, Lieutenant. Just trying to be earnest and forthright."

Tresslo Covo has posed:
    "A good question," Tresslo acknowledges Gianka's words with a firm nod, his voice steady despite the senatorial appearance and the hubbub of gossip and questions it brings. "The Outer Rim presents challenges...but also opportunities. Countless planets remain uncharted, many of which are populated by unique peoples with their distinct customs and traditions."

    "We have to engage with planetary authorities, community leaders, and local businesses to fully understand their needs...and what Republic enterprises can provide. That is why events like these are so important." He pauses to think and hands Gianka a brochure. "In my view, the Outer Rim would benefit from the Jedi having an active, peace-enforcing presence and a more direct role in exploring the region. The vows Jedi take make us best suited to mediating conflicts and creating the stability necessary for economic growth."

    That said, he takes a deep breath, crosses his hands behind his back, and looks at the other onlookers. "Any other questions?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods politely toward Crix in brief acknowledgment, then quickly turns his gaze back toward the ground. He actually looks miserable, to be honest.

    When Ann starts making her way back toward the booth, he quickly turns away and follows her. She might be able to feel how hard this has been for him, though it shouldn't surprise her. He's anxious now, that the Council will once again deny him the freedom to leave the Temple, or worse yet, not allow him to continue his training. Or even worse yet, kick him out of the Order...

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
The Senator waves a hand dismissively at the reporters. "I will not be giving any other comments," he says, "If you have any other questions regarding Rie and the Convention, you may speak with his aide, Laa." He then turns around and starts heading towards where his stepdaughter, Gianka, is watching Tresslo. Sanzo looks mortified, but he doesn't protest when Burkenn redirects all attention to him. The doctor remains silent and does not answer any of the paparazzi's questions, but he does follow the Senator over to where Tresslo is.

When Tresslo replies in depth to Gianka's question, the girl lights up a dazzling smile and makes her way to the front of the crowd. The young Mirialan might then take notice that Gianka is stunningly pretty, with blue diamond eyes and long blonde hair that flows like a river down her back. She also can't have been much older than him. "Indeed. I mean no insult, but I had no idea that even the younger members of the Jedi were so wonderfully well spoken and charismatic," she says, taking the brochure. "What's your name?" she asks.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Dr. Cassias need not worry, as the paparazzi now focus their full attention onto Laa and start firing all their questions at him instead.

Tresslo Covo has posed:
    There is a subtle shift in Tresslo's expression; his sea-green eyes brighten, and his composed front softens into a warm smile. "My name is Tresslo Covo," He extends a hand in greeting. "Thank you for your kind words. Jedi are often required to serve as ambassadors as well as defenders." The holographic slideshow moves to its next set of images - a human Jedi hosting discussions with local alien representatives under the shade of a giant, leafy tree - as if illustrating his point.

    "Do let me know if you have any further questions, Miss...?" he trails off, inviting the young woman to introduce herself as well.

Zihna Ta'igi (341) has posed:
Zihna thought her meeting with The Republic's intelligence officer was rather successful. Well, she got the information she was tasked to retrieve and also the permission to operate in Republic space while searching for the Sovereign Fire, so that was good. Yeah, the officer was kind of cute and she hoped they could get a drink later, but whatever, he disappeared quite quickly and she was here as a representative of the Royal Navy and all the Togruti people after all, she reminded herself. So, no fun allowed.

As she entered the main venue again, she frowned at the excited rush around. While away on business, she forgot how much she didn't miss all the people. She fidgeted in her official uniform. Blasted thing. Who thought it was a good idea to send her here, was beyond her. To make her entire mission to behave properly? Her? Someone must have really hated her or wanted to sabotage the relationship with the Republic. She sighed. And here she thought she did so well these past months in service. She shook her head. She was just tired from all this standing around and acting super important. She just wasn't cut out for it. Certainly, a drink would be fine, right? Wasn't it even expected at events such as these? A sign of good manners? Yeah, that was it. And everyone seemed occupied with news about the chancellor anyway. She looked over at the newsfeed nearby and grinned to herself, before heading towards the nearest bar. She could handle a little bit of alcohol, what was the worst that could happen?

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Luckily enough, there is a cash bar set up near where Ann had been speaking to Crix. There are a few other military-looking sorts standing around as well, so perhaps Zihna and Crix will find some comradery there.

Zihna Ta'igi (341) has posed:
With her below-average height and slim build, Zihna generally did not look very soldiery or otherwise impressive, but despite it being uncomfortable, her ceremonial uniform made her look good and she was well aware. She walked confidently towards the bar and ordered a simple long drink. She then remained at the bar, although she turned to face the room. As she stood there momentarily, she observed the people around curiously, enjoying a little secluded time off.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann turns on her heel mid-stride, walking backwards for a few moments as she considers Cayde's bearing in this moment. She frowns for another moment.

    "Beating yourself up about this, I take it? Pretty sure there have been padawans that did worse than this and been fine, Cayde. I'm guessing if anything this would come down on me for having been elsewhere," she says, shaking her head a little and shrugging as she turns back around as the pair draw near the booth.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
Sanzo is swept away by the crowd of reporters, and disappears from sight for several minutes. However, eventually, he's found making his way over to the cash bar where Zihna has made herself comfortable. His stress and clear discomfort with the entire situation is obvious. He accidentally elbows Zihna as he makes his way to the counter. "A double shot of Corellian whiskey, please," he asks the bartender, "actually, scratch that, make it two." The bartender arches a brow at the Chancellor's aide, but complies as Sanzo dumps a fistful of credits on the counter and tells her to keep the change.

"Such humility, Tresslo Covo," Gianka says, her expression softening as well as she shakes the young padawan's hand. "A pleasure to meet you. But I suppose I should not be surprised. The Jedi do train up such fine young men." By now, Dr. Cassias and the senator have joined the crowd watching Tresslo, and Gianka motions her stepfather over. "I am Gianka Alexis," she says, "And this is my stepfather, Senator Burkenn, as you may already be aware. I do have a few questions, I suppose. Your talk of peace and stability in the Outer Rim is most inspiring, and we as servants of light, life and the Republic were hoping that we could possibly partner with the Order in such matters. I'm not sure if you were aware, but my father will be pitching a proposition to the Senate involving the complete outlawing of spice, in any form. We would love for the Order to support our efforts..."

Meanwhile, it doesn't take very long for the doctor to notice that Cayde is here with his master. He spares the boy a brief unreadable look, but then looks away, appearing disinterested.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde sighs, and shows Ann something on his datapad. It's a memo from the Council, regarding a certain meeting (JO1/1) to be held to discuss 'matters' including a certain 'young Jedi' within the Order against whom the Chancellor's office had filed an official complaint. It also mentioned 'internal concerns' about this 'same individual', and an 'appropriate course of action'.

    Again, fears of being confined to the Temple again, kicked out, or otherwise forced to discontinue his training resurface.

    He doesn't notice the glance from Dr. Cassias, although he is vaguely aware of the doctor's presence.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As Sanzo buys Zihna some shots, a couple of human male soldiers at the bar chuckle at him. They look like they might be part of local Cantonica military or law enforcement. "Tryin' to impress the ladies, eh?" one of them remarks, smirking. The other turns to her. "Royal Navy, huh? Didn't know they were interested in the Republic."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann frowns again- some part of her hindbrain might have caught Gianka's mention of her surname with those sharp ears of her, but if it did, the fact hasn't registered yet.

    Instead, she crosses her arms, looking down at the padawan for a moment. "And? Do you plan to just sit there and not say something for yourself at this event?"

    A shake of the head. "Here's an honest critique Cayde- vouch for yourself. You defer to others too much. It's the same as I keep coming back to about being in control of yourself instead of denial of yourself. Yes, yes, I know, the code, peace over emotion, but it also talks about chaos and harmony. You were drifting in the order, aimless, until some force-weak idiot picked you up, and that doesn't seem wrong to you at all? In any way? That might be worth pointing out?"

Zihna Ta'igi (341) has posed:
"Oh, come on!" Zihna muttered, shaking some of her spilt drink from her hand and sleeve. She looks up at Sanzo. She is not particularly angry, but rather a little tired and annoyed that her peaceful moment was interrupted in this manner. Seeing his state and his order, she raises her brows." "That bad, huh?" She asks.

She looks over Sanzo's shoulder at the pair of Soldiers. She ignores the first remark and addresses the second soldier: "Of course we are, we share a very common goal in keeping the peace at and within our borders for the benefit and prosperity of both sides." She hurries with her textbook answer and adds a very sweet smile.

Navi has posed:
Navi, just arriving from another part of the convention, notices two things right away. The first is Ann and, by extension, Cayde, since they seem to be together more than not (since they are Knight and Padawan, this makes sense to her). The second is the crowd near the Jedi booth, including the official-looking man and the stunning blonde girl, the latter of which is chatting up the Padawan stationed at the booth. She hesitates, but the crowd of reporters decides the matter; she moves to join Ann and Cayde.

"Hello again," she says, approaching from behind and making sure to make her presence known. "I hope today hasn't /all/ been about yesterday. There's so much more to a convention than that."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Ann might notice Gianka not only seems to share a surname with her padawan, but also has a striking resemblance to him, almost as if she could have been his sister.

    Cayde stares at Ann. But...what would he even say? That it was true, it had been his doing? He didn't even know how to explain what happened to other Jedi, not to mention the media.

    <I don't know how...>

    The young padawan turns away, looking ashamed of himself. Even when Navi approaches, he doesn't look at her.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
Sanzo gives them disdainful looks. "Who said anything about impressing anyone?" he says sourly to the soldiers at the bar. "Both are for -me-." When his drinks arrive, he downs both double shots right away. "Another," he then requests of the bartender. When his second round arrives, he downs that, as well. Then he looks over at Zihna. "Worse," he says. "You have no idea," he says to the Togruta woman, "what it's like working for the Chancellor." The effects of the liquor on him are rather clear. "They're all so self-serving. And no one knows it, because they're so perfect at lying and maneuvering themselves into the right place, at the right time," he rambles. "This entire fiasco -- I bet you anything it's just a stunt, pulled by Vlaven himself, to distract everyone from the rumors spreading about the property his family just purchased. Just a week ago, it was reported his uncle's loan firm went bankrupt, so where did that money come from? His publicity stunt of a girlfriend, Gianka?" He scoffs. "She might be Rie's second cousin, but the Chancellor should be careful when playing favorites. It's going to get him into a tub of hot water he can't climb out of, one of these days."

Tresslo Covo has posed:
    "It is an honor, Miss Alexis...and you as well, Senator Burkenn," Tress' response is warm enough, but his gaze lingers on Gianka even as she introduces her stepfather. "Say, have you met Padawan learner Cayde? If you have an interest in the Jedi, I am sure he and his master could offer another perspective." Tress cranes his neck to see if he can spot his fellow Padawan and finds him with a red-haired Jedi Knight. He will attempt to wave them over.

    As for the legislative proposal, Tress says, "It sounds like a worthy initiative. If you send a draft of the law to my datapad, I will ensure it is brought before the Jedi Council. Please hold on for a moment," He will excuse himself for the time being to retrieve that datapad.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Think you might try something like 'I've been struggling with my force abilities and nobody would help me' for a start? Hard to argue the temple on -Coruscant- is lacking more force-wise masters that could have discussed it." questions Ann frankly, eyebrow raising- before her head is turned by Tresslo's comments about the padawan and the wave-over.

    "Hang on. Blonde... looks like... did I hear Alexis earlier?" she muses aloud quasi-incoherently before waving a hand to indicate Cayde should follow along as she goes to join the other pair.

    She does, as well, offer Navi a greeting nod as she arrives and nods her along to the booth. "Eh, what isn't about the latest kerfuffle with one politician or another?"

Pike Windu has posed:
    Master Pike Windu arrives at the Jedi booth to find a crowd hovering. He groans and fights the urge to pull his hood up and retreat. But he is a Master and the Force is with him. Nudging when he has to, he makes his way behind the booth.

    "Busy day, it looks like," he says to no one in particular.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
The Senator bows his head in polite greeting to the young padawan, but does not interrupt the conversation.

"Thank you, Tresslo," Gianka says softly as the boy excuses himself, "I would very much appreciate that."

When Anne arrives at the booth, she may be struck by the Gianka's uncanny resemblance to Cayde. The girl as well, seems shocked, and so does her stepfather. "Why, what a strange coincidence," Burkenn comments with a chuckle. "You two could be siblings!"

The doctor frowns, suddenly appearing rather uncomfortable for a moment before excusing himself.

Navi has posed:
Navi follows Ann and Cayde to the booth, biting her lip at the presence of so many of the press. "So it seems, Master Windu," she says, overhearing. "Nevertheless, it's good to see you again."

The resemblance between Cayde and the pretty blonde girl distracts her. "It's pretty uncanny, all right. Please pardon me, Miss, but what did you say your name was? I must have missed hearing it," she says, blushing faintly.

What she /doesn't/ miss is the doctor's sudden departure, and she watches him thoughtfully until he is out of sight.

Zihna Ta'igi (341) has posed:
That's just great, how did I suddenly get into the chancellor drama?! I just wanted a drink!

"Oh-kay... That seems like a little too much information, why don't we slow down a little bit? Hi, I'm Zihna, and you are...?" She tried to calmly shut him up. What was it to her if some drunken bureaucrat babbled about allegations and confidential information in public, right? Regarding the chancellor? Oh, damnit!

"Umm, do you want to talk about it? If there's anything left to say... ehm, maybe we can talk over a little something to eat?"

Oh Zihna, you're so screwed.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Yes. Coincidence," says Ann, face about as unimpressed as a Jedi ever manages. Apparently the precept of Peace is a struggle for her in this moment.

    "Gianka -Alexis- and Cayde -Alexis-, more or less chromsome-swapped versions of each other, crossing paths in an enormous convention on an ecumenopolis, one of them being one of the most force-buffeted teens I've ever even heard of. Coincidence." Her voice is so flat it practically becomes an evocative inflection in itself.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike nods to Navi. "A lot happened yesterday, its no wonder. It's good to see you, miss."

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
"Oh you have no idea," the Chancellor aide continues babbling, ignoring her invitation to introduce himself and ordering yet another double shot and sloshing it down. "If you ask me, I wouldn't be surprised if Vlaven paid or manipulated one of the Jedi into causing the Chancellor to have an 'accident'." He scoffs. "No one's above bribery, after all." Then he leans towards Zihna. "I heard," he continues rambling, "that the one supposed documentary do-gooder who's been given permission to free roam the Temple while producing his little promotional holofilm is being paid under the table by Gianka's family. To do what, exactly, I have no idea."

Senator Burkenn seems shocked speechless by Anne's frankness, and seems to have no idea how to respond or what to make of her comment. Neither does Gianka. "Gianka," she finally responds Navi. Then she turns to Anne, changing the subject. "I'm going to leave my personal comm frequency here for the charismatic Mirialan Jedi who was here a bit earlier helping me and my father with our proposition. Will you let him know that I'd really love to see him again?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde arches a brow at Ann. But...that wasn't true. [But I have help] he signs.

    However there is then a distraction at the booth, and he follows Ann over to where Tresslo and the Senator are. He also notices the striking resemblance between himself and Gianka...Alexis...apparently, frowning even as Ann starts pointing how silly the idea of a coincidence was. And in spite of yesterday's events, he can't help wander into the young woman's mind, to see if it really was simply an uncanny coincidence or if she was truly related to him.

    Sanzo gets some raised brows at his sudden drunken ranting. A few more chuckles. "Politics, I get it. Never could put up with that stuff myself...which is why I ain't a politician." the man laughs. "Ever consider switching careers, Mr. Laa?" It seems they know who he is, already.

    The other man whom Zihna had spoken to about the Royal Navy nods to her response. "Nice to meet ya, Zihna. Zander." he says, offering a handshake. "So, Togrutans and the Republic cozying up? You think Shili's gonna join?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann looks over at Cayde with a look that all but vocally says 'As of maybe a few weeks ago'.

    "My apologies, Senator- I was always more the athlete than the diplomat among the Jedi. I'll just point out that Cayde came to the Order an orphan, and it might be worth seriously looking at." She shakes her head, upturning her palms with the gesture. "At the two of you's discretion, of course."

    She looks more specifically at Gianka then, eyebrow quirking a little. She goes to speak, aaaaalmost noting certain Jedi tenets regarding attachment, but actually manages to stop herself for once. "Of course- I'm sure he'd be happy to discuss the Order's potential contributions in further detail."

Zihna Ta'igi (341) has posed:
Okay, gods know I've tried, Zihna sighs and takes a sip from her glass.

"Look, Mr. Laa, I'm very sorry you're having a hard time with your job right now, but I frankly have no idea what you're talking about and honestly? I'm not sure I want to know. I'm just an ordinary pilot, sir, and high-level politics are above my pay grade. My word of advice? Drop the whiskey and walk it off, but, I guess you know what you're doing." she offers a nervous smile before turning slightly away to face Zander.

She rolls her eyes slightly and smiles thankfully. "Nice to meet you too." She shakes his hand. "I'm not sure about that, but they sent me to pay respect, so it must be getting serious." She laughs lightly.

Navi has posed:
"We gladly shall, Miss Alexis," Navi replies warmly, off Gianka's wishes. "I'm not of the Order myself, but I find myself in frequent contact with them, and can vouch for both their success and their universal good intentions." She tries not to stare at Gianka, and mostly succeeds... but not entirely. It's impossible to not be distracted by /the prettyyyyy/!

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike smiles when he finds his comfortable chair has not disappeared. The Master relaxes, opens a pouch on his belt, and withdraws his pipe and kit. In a few moments, he is puffing on the finest pipe-weed from the Outer Rim.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
The Chancellor's aide has a distant look on his face, and he doesn't respond to Zihna right away. But eventually, he nods. "Well, actually, I think... I think you're right," he says. He gets up from his barstool, stumbling slightly, and wanders off to only light knows where."

Ironically enough, the senator brings up the very topic that Anne had almost brought up, but in a different manner. "Ah.. it's alright," he says, "but would it be prudent? Doesn't the Order forbid attachment of any kind? I thought I'd heard that from ... someone, somewhere."

Gianka then nods, giving Anne a strained but polite smile. "Yes, thank you very much. I'm sure, then, I'll be seeing you all again sometime, but my father and I have a dinner date with my mother back at the casino, so for now I must bid you all farewell. It was wonderful to meet you all," she says glancing briefly at Navi before she and her stepfather then bow politely in goodbye, and turn to leave.

Cayde will be able to tell that Gianka does not think it's a coincidence, and she's very curious, but the matter can't be pursued so publicly. She'd been looking into their family records, secretly, but her step father has no idea...

Navi has posed:
"Likewise. Please take care, and enjoy the convention," Navi replies warmly, with a smile to match. She waves casually as the delegation turns to leave, continuing to wave rather vapidly after them until they are out of sight. And possibly for a few moments more. Silly girl.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde stares after the Senator as his family as they retreat, that distant expression on his face again. Then he blinks, snapping out of it without having fully realized he'd dived in that deep.

    [She seeks her family] he signs, more to Ann than anyone else although anyone else looking might have noticed the comment.

    The padawan notices Master Pike having arrived and sat down, glancing his way briefly but quickly turning away.

    Zander nods. "You think so? Well if it were up to you, would you do it? You like all this?" he asks, gesturing around broadly. "I heard the Jedi were going to do some kind of cool demonstration at some point." he remarks, glancing over at the booth.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike is looking at Cayde when the Padawan glances his way. The Master's visage is sadness and he shakes his head as Cayde turns away. After another puff on his pipe, he blows a long stream of smoke.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann looks at Navi for a moment as the girl just... keeps waving...

    She glances at Cayde. Has a thought.

    She reaches up and lightly flicks Navi around the temple- not enough to hurt or really do more than mildly annoy, just maybe snap the girl out of it by feeling a sudden sensation.

    "Then maybe you should chaperone her and Tresslo sometime," she says to Cayde offhandedly, brow raising as she looks at him again rather meaningfully.

Zihna Ta'igi (341) has posed:
"I was joking, of course. And that is some high-level politics also. Luckily, I'm not the one who gets to decide that. That said, this is kinda alright." She smiles, then she finishes her drink. "Sadly Zander, duty calls, it was nice meeting you."

Navi has posed:
Navi squeaks as Ann flicks her finger against her temple. "Geez... what was that for?" she asks, half surprise and half indignation. Then she hears the Knight's words to Cayde, and understands. "I'm slightly glad I'm not a Jedi an..." She cuts herself off, shaking her head fiercely. "Not a Jedi..." she concludes softly.