The Graf Manor

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The Graf Manor
Date of Scene: 10 August 2024
Synopsis: The Jedi and their allies visit the Graf Manor on Thelj to further investigate Vlaven's schemes.
Cast of Characters: 159, Pike Windu, Navi, Annelia Belask, Cayde Alexis

Athena (159) has posed:
The icy, frigid wasteland that is Thelj is as beautiful as it is freezing. On approach to the sole spaceport at Bhatiqu, the surface of the frozen planet glows an icy emerald green, concealing the wonders and dangers of the seas below.

Senator Burkenn hadn't been wrong, upon contacting Xera and requesting to tour the Graf estate on Thelj, the woman had responded with immense gratitude and hospitality. Now, whether it's genuine or not remains to be seen.

The small group of Jedi and their companions would likely arrive in a timely fashion at the spaceport and upon disembarking from their shuttle, would immediately be greeted by the welcome party the Graf Family had sent to escort them to the compound not far from Bhatiqu.

"Welcome," a tall, dark skinned middle aged human man, who is part of the welcome party, says upon watching them come down the gangplank. "I hope you don't mind the cold."

Pike Windu has posed:
    "Master Pike Windu," the Jedi says with a bow. And though the Force is with him, Windu still pulls his hood up and hides his hands in the sleeves of his robe.

Navi has posed:
"Navi, Novice of the Shining Brotherhood," says the blonde Sephi, on the tail of Master Windu's reply, bowing deeply from her shoulders. But she also draws up the hood of her robe and slips her hands into her sleeves to keep them warm on the way to the compound.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Annelia Belask," introduces the Knight, offering a nod. She smiles faintly, glancing back over her shoulder a moment. "Cold doesn't bother me too much, despite coming from a rather warm world. We'll be quite alright, I assure you."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde follows Ann down the walkway, pulling his hood up as well to protect from the cold. He stands there silently as introductions are made, his gaze steadily regarding the man who is to escort them to the compound.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Tujan Graf," the man says with a bow to each of them, "proudly, one of the cousins of the Graf matriarch. It's a pleasure to meet you all. This way - even if you don't mind the cold, I'm sure you'd much rather be warm."

He escorts them to a rather luxurious looking atmospheric aircraft, which will take them straight to the fanciful biodome where the Graf compound is located.

The small group may either be disgusted, pleasantly surprised, or somewhere in between by this gross display of wealth - the amount of money, time and resources spent turning the area surrounding the Graf compound into a thriving greenhouse on a frozen wasteland is certainly something else.

The pilot lands the vessel into a small hangar near the back of the compound. The gangplank lowers, and at the bottom of it, waits Xera herself. She smiles cordially at them. "Welcome to the Graf estate," she says. "You'll find it much warmer in here, I hope."

Navi and Cayde will recognize the woman. She's the gorgeous auburn haired one they'd seen on Canto Bight - the one they'd tried to spy on, albeit a bit unsuccessfully.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu glances around and nods in approval, having nothing against wealth. Indeed, it is warmer here and the Jedi removes his robe on the expectation a droid will appear to take it.

Navi has posed:
"I am honored to meet you, Tujan Graf," Navi replies, bowing once more. But she doesn't pull her hands out of her sleeves as she does. There's manners, and then there's stupidity. The aircraft impresses her. "Wow... I'm surprised it doesn't have more seats," she observes softly. "It seems like there's room enough."

As she finds herself face-to-face with Xera, she can't help blushing faintly and touching the knot for the belt of her robe, to make sure it's properly tied. "Thank you for your hospitality," she says warmly, with another deep bow. This time she uncovers her head and hands. "It certainly is warmer in here."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann doesn't say anything to Tujan, at the sight of all the wealth- but there's not a -lack- of signs. She looks over to her padawan, eyebrow on the far side of her face from the guide and such raised with just the faintest hint of what people a long time from now in a galaxy far, far away might call 'shade'.

    Returning her gaze to the guide, she smiles faintly. "We certainly appreciate the hospitality, yes."

    Her own hood comes down- but she wasn't in an especially warm robe to begin with, and doesn't move to remove it, just open it more comfortably over her usual wear.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde exits the vessel with the others, to find himself before a familiar woman he'd noticed on Canto Bight. Her behavior had been suspicious, to say the least. He notices that look from Ann, and immediately starts trying to enter her mind, and determine her true intentions. How does she really feel about all this? What does she know about Emissarius Vlaven?

Athena (159) has posed:
"Indeed," Xera says, "Master Pike, Jedi Knight Annelia Belask and your... padawan." She frowns slightly at Cayde, thinking he looked familiar but isn't able to place exactly where she'd seen him before. Then she smiles knowingly at Navi. "And of course it's nice to see you again, Navi," she says, softly.

Xera doesn't seem to know much about Vlaven, and her feelings about him seem pretty neutral. She'd heard a few things about him on the news once or twice, and is aware that he's close friends with their accountant, Welma, but other than that, she has no reason to suspect him. He was just another bureaucrat she was aiming to please so she could move up in the world...

A droid does come to take everyone's jackets, including Pike's, and Xera gestures for them to follow her. "Come. I'll show you the dining hall first, where you can help yourselves to a hot drink and meet some of our staff." She turns elegantly on her heel and leads them down the corridor to an exquisite banquet hall with marble flooring and silver inlaid column arches. The walls on either side of the room are clear and present a beautiful view to the garden outside.

There are several staff members there, helping to either tidy up or help themselves to refreshments. Xera motions for two of them to come over. "This is Welma Vusiak, our accountant, and Conrad Io, our operations manager." The two staff members extend their hands in greeting to each member of the party greeting them politely.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu nods politely in greeting to the two underlings. He is much more interested in something hot to drink. The view catches the Jedi's attention...

Navi has posed:
"Likewise," Navi replies, blushing just a bit more. "Forgive me for not visiting you on Canto Bight again, but the Force called me away on other business." The valet droid draws a pensive look. "I've no cloak or coat to give you, Sir Droid. If you want my robe, I may need to ask you for something to wear," she explains softly, moving to follow the others.

The view draws a soft gasp of awe. She almost forgets to shake hands with the two staff. "Navi, Novice of the Shining Brotherhood. I am honored to meet you both." She gives the valet droid a nervous look.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Well thank you for the review and the introduction," says Ann- perhaps repetitively with a faint smile. She glances over at Cayde again, considering for a moment as she looks more outright questioningly at him.

    As the two workers are introduced, Ann greets them fairly warmly- if quietly. She folds her hands into her sleeves idly. "I take it operations management means you oversee this garden and such. Quite the feat, no?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Welma, hm? An accountant, who was close friends with Vlaven? That seemed like the perfect opportunity. Cayde starts trying to search her mind further for anything else Xera might know about Welma, when she actually introduces her to them.

    She doesn't look familiar to him, but he again immediately starts to try entering her mind and searching for anything about Vlaven.

    He doesn't respond when the droids offer to take his robe, and again remains silent while everyone else does the polite social thing. Ann will notice that he has that characteristic vacant stare on his face, when she looks over at him.

Athena (159) has posed:
The view is indeed spectacular, and the elder Jedi may find himself taking in the view after fetching himself a drink.

Conrad nods at Anne. "Well, thank you," he says. "I certainly keep busy. Excuse me..." then the operations manager goes to join Pike by the glass walls. "Beautiful, isn't it," he remarks to Pike. There's a pause and then he leans in closer to Pike. "Look. I'm not stupid, and I'm not on anybody's side, either. There's no way the Jedi would come all this way to take a tour of some rich bureaucrat's mansion for the hell of it. What are you -really- here for? Maybe I can help you."

"That's alright," Xera says evenly, shooing the valet droid away. Both the staff extend polite greetings to Navi before wandering off. "But at least it's fortunate the Force would have us cross paths again," she says, motioning for Navi to follow her as she moves towards a small image gallery at the far end of banquet hall. "This exhibit documents the history of my family," she announces, and Navi will notice a variety of different star charts, family antiques, and photos of the Graf family over the years placed strategically on the gallery's walls. Most of it won't strike Navi as particularly interesting - but what may catch her eye is a Graf family photo from about six years ago - there's someone in it she'll recognize. The marauder, Amarik, she'd met on Jedha. But what would he be doing in a Graf family photo...

Cayde might be a bit shocked to find in Welma's recent memories a -very- poignantly intimate encounter she'd had with Vlaven, in a private bedroom here at the estate after a night of drinking...

Pike Windu has posed:
    The Jedi Master sips a hot cider as he reaches out with the Force, taking in the view in multiple dimensions.

    Quietly, Windu replies, "we are investigating ... irregularities at the highest level of government." Vague, but true.

Navi has posed:
"It is. I have missed you, and I have not forgotten your kindness," Navi replies gently, moving to follow Xera. "Thank you for telling that droid to leave me alone... it seemed to want my robe, and I would not have been dressed for polite company if I had yielded it up," she adds, in a lower voice, blushing slightly. "But it seemed awfully insistent."

She smiles as she studies the gallery. "I envy you, a little... such a grand family history, and all at your fingertips. It must be very comforting," she observes warmly.

And then her eyes fall on a particular image, and her smile fades into confusion. "Please, who is this man, right here?" she asks, pointing politely at Amarik.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Left largely to her and Cayde's own devices, Ann panders for a moment as the Master and the Sephi are ushered away.

    "Well Miss Vusiak, I must admit- the idea of handling accounting for the whole of the Graf wealth base seems a... daunting task. How does one keep up with so much?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Actually, Cayde isn't shocked that Welma had an affair with Vlaven. The man didn't strike him as the sort to be faithful to his currently proclaimed girlfriend. Perhaps that's how he'd weaseled his way into their money.

    <Welma Vusiak had a recent affair with Vlaven> he suddenly projects to Ann even as she starts making casual conversation with the woman.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Irregularities at the highest level of government, huh?" Conrad says. He moves closer to Pike. "You've come to the right place, then." There's a pause, and then he lowers his voice. "I'd always suspected they'd been trying to cover -something- big up for years, but lately, I've had more and more reason to think there's more than one something," he says. "Now I don't have any proof... but I've got a sneaking suspicion Vusiak might have modified our latest financial report."

"Mm, indeed. The droids around here do occasionally malfunction. My apologies." Xera says. When Navi points out Amarik, she frowns slightly and hesitates before answering. Navi won't need the force to realize she'd hit a nerve. "Oh," she says. "He was my fiance, once upon a time," she says, averting her gaze. "Likely the least interesting thing about the Graf family, to be honest," she says. "now, why don't you have a look at some our family antiques? These are hundreds of years old... passed down from generation to generation," she says quickly changing the subject.

Vusiak smiles politely at Annelia. "It is a daunting task, but I'm honored to have landed this role and do my best everyday to live up the Graf Family's expectations. Thank you for visiting - it's an honor to have the Jedi amongst us," she says, nodding politely, completely unaware of the fact that Annelia and Cayde now know about her affair.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu nods. "Then we've come to the right place. Tell me more about Vusiak. What's his game?"

Navi has posed:
"I beg your pardon, then... I hadn't known it was a sensitive subject," Navi replies contritely. "I only brought it up because I have met him several times. Each time, trouble came quickly on his heels. And while it doesn't seem to bother him, it has created great difficulties for me." She turns to follow Xera, curious about the antiquities, and the woman herself. "I hope I recognize more than a handful of them. I have little knowledge of antiques."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann smiles warmly- not giving much sign that Cayde is speaking to her mind. Honestly, it's kind of old hand by now.

    "And how does one achieve such a position? I assume you must have quite the resume and repute, no? You honour us, surely, but the Jedi are not the only sort of interesting poeple in the Galaxy- and we get so few insights into the world outside, sometimes."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Even as the conversation with Ann continues, Cayde starts trying to find out where her office is, and if she lives here and has private quarters...perhaps, she'd like to take them there, and show them a 'day in the life'?

Athena (159) has posed:
Conrad shrugs. "I don't know, actually. She's young, naive, and ambitious. Came from a poor family. A recipe for disaster, having her come work here. I don't mean to insult her. It's just what it is." Then, more quietly he replies, "The Grafs have enough secrets and ambition of their own to last a lifetime. But Vusiak doesn't know anything about bureaucracy and politics. She was just a poor farm girl from Chandrila!"

Xera pauses, frowning suddenly and dropping the subject of the antiques. "He's dead," she tells Navi suddenly. "When was the last time you saw him? Was it recent?"

"Well," she says, "luck, honestly. My family are farmers on Chandrila," she says, "but it just so happened that after my brother married and moved to the city, he would meet the woman who would later marry the Graf patriarch," she says. "I've been given the privilege and honor of overseeing many of the charitable deeds the Grafs have done for the Republic, commemorated in Hallway of Awards upstairs next to my office. Would you like to see it?"

It would seem Cayde won't need to probe - she's already offering.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu glance's Vusiak's way and sees that she is talking to Cayde. Knowing the padawan, Windu smiles. To Conrad, the Jedi shrugs. "Those who have kn own poverty will do anything to avoid it."

Navi has posed:
Navi blinks at the sudden mood shift from Xera. "I last saw him mere weeks ago," she replies calmly, but she's sensitive enough to sound mildly confused at Xera's question. "He was alive and seemed well, but he was keeping company with Marauders, very dangerous people."

She blushes more than slightly. "I... I share a connection to him, through the Force. I have no idea when or how this connection was created, and I cannot unmake it. I simply don't know how, and my Masters never taught me about such things."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann gestures, nodding. "Please, lead the way. I'd be happy to see more, if you are willing to share," she says simply to Vusiak.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Well would you look at that? She's already offering. Cayde just stays by Ann, waiting for Vusiak to lead the way up to this Hallway of Awards, where he intends to look for her office and slip in there...

Athena (159) has posed:
"Exactly," Conrad says, starting to walk down an adjacent corridor and casting an expectant glance at Windu, hoping he'll follow. "Perhaps working for the Grafs has gone to her head. I don't know. But the more likely scenario is that damned Treasurer Vlaven has manipulated her into doing favors for him!"

Xera freezes for a moment, dropping the hot glass of cider she'd been drinking on the floor. Her expression goes blank for a moment, and then her smile turns sickeningly sweet, in a way that will unsettle Navi. She suddenly takes Navi by the wrist and pulls her aside into a small library near to the gallery. She shuts the door, then turns to face her. "My dear Navi," she begins. "You have no idea how much I've missed my darling fiance. All this time, I'd thought he was dead. Perhaps you'd be so kind as to help me... find him. I'll even pay you. Name your price, and I'll be happy to compensate you."

Vusiak takes them to the lift, taking them to the third floor of the estate. There, she leads them to a hallway gilded entirely in gold that carries various plaques as gold and silver sponsors to the Republic's colonial efforts of the Outer Rim. "This one," Vusiak says with pride, "is our latest. We were a bronze sponsor the Outer Rim Economic Convention. Usually, we'll go for gold, but this year, our stocks suffered a bit of a drop when a rumor about the Graf Corporations being entirely at fault for the crashing of one of our luxury cruise liners into an asteroid belt six years ago resurfaced. So we couldn't donate as much."

"To our left here is my office," she says, gesturing, "I spend most of my time there, when I'm not summoned to Coruscant for other financial duties regarding the Graf accounts."

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu follows Conrad, but not before finishing his cider.

    "Vlaven. That being seems to be at the center of things."

Navi has posed:
"Ah!" Navi squeals as her wrist is suddenly seized and she's dragged away by Xera, the woman's grip and tow so strong that she pulls Navi's robe down off of her shoulder, exposing her shoulder and part of her upper arm, covered only by a thick white strap. "Please... you'll tear my robe..!"

She has no time to straighten her wardrobe as the tall woman closes the door and turns to face her. "I... I have only been able to find him once, and we were on the same world at the time," she explains, unnerved by the taller woman's sickly sweet smile of before, and her insistent demeanor now. "I've no idea where he might be now. He usually finds me... and it's always a surprise," she says, backing away a pace. "I cannot take your money. It would not be right."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann nods slowly, looking over the plaques and accolades semi-intently. "I see... quite the convention- a few small scandals and such, no less. That said, the Grafs are quite stable, typically- I cannot imagine the slight drop concerned them quite that much...?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde follows Ann and Vusiak up to the third floor, where she shows them the plaques, and even her office. He attempts to enter her mind again, this time trying to get a measure of how...vulnerable she is.

    He keeps projecting to Ann at the same time. <Keep her distracted...> At that, he then tries to slip away toward her office.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Indeed," Conrad says with a nod. "I don't think Vusiak would be half as motivated to do anything, without him being around. For better or for worse, I suppose. He's actually here, today. Supposedly visiting on business to talk more grants. But I know he came to see Vusiak..."

"My apologies," she says dryly and insincerely.

Then Xera smiles again, but it's once again, not pleasant. "Oh, well, even better. I don't mind free things, as long as they are truly... free." She pauses. "Well, I'm sure we could find a reason for him to come looking for you," she says. "Say, you said you had a connection to him in the Force, didn't you? Maybe under the right circumstances, he'd just know to come running." Navi might get a feeling that this might suddenly take a dark turn...

Vusiak laughs nervously. "Oh, indeed," she says, "I heard your padawan was in the news because of it?" But then she quickly moves on. "I mean, the Grafs are stable, but ... thousands of people died in that incident, Master Jedi," she says. "Of course the stocks were significantly impacted when that rumor resurfaced."

Cayde will find she's quite... vulnerable. And the topic that Anne has brought up is a very uncomfortable one, at that. She's nervous.

When he peels off to go into her office, she frowns. "What...What are you going into my office for?" she says, her tone shaky. She turns back to Anne, panic in her eyes. "What does he want? Why did he go in there? Call him back!"

Pike Windu has posed:
    "The Treasurer here... no. In time, after we know more."

    "Thank you for the information. And now if you'll excuse me, I must return to our ship and be alone with my thoughts."

Navi has posed:
"Please... I can't help you. Not in the way you want," Navi explains, trying to straighten her robe. "I'm sorry. I admire you very much, for your beauty and your kindness, and I do wish I could help you. But I can't. I don't want him harmed. There is good within him yet, in spite of his keeping company with the Marauders. I've seen it... felt it. And I can't rule out the possibility that any harm done him will harm me as well. I'm sorry."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann looks after Cayde, and she frowns a little. "Wait, please, Miss Vusiak. I apologize. Cayde is simply... curious by nature, and being unable to speak tends to lead him to some odd approaches to asking about things. If it's not too much to pry... you seem concerned. Is there something I and my group could help you with? Perhaps we should all go into your office to speak more quietly...?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    There is no need for anyone to call Cayde back. When it becomes clear just how vulnerable Vusiak is, he stops in his tracks near the doorway to the office, and turns around to face her, fixing her with an impenetrable gaze.

    The woman will suddenly feel a strange and perhaps disconcerting feeling. It is somewhat mild at first, wavering a little, but then it grows stronger--as if someone else were thinking for her...and any efforts to resist result in a stinging pain as if a hot needle were being thrust into her skull.

    <There is nothing to hear Welma...they already know...just tell them your troubles...>

Athena (159) has posed:
"Who said anything about harming him?" Xera says sweetly, but Navi will know it's a bold faced lie. "Why that's really too bad, darling," Xera says. "You've no idea just how powerful the Grafs are." There's a lengthy pause, and Navi might suddenly get a terrible sense of foreboding. Was Xera going to detain her here? Throw her in a dungeon, in hopes that Amarik would just... know, and run right into her trap?

But then she abruptly gets up and opens the door to the gallery. "Well, we should get going. Your Jedi friends are likely waiting to see the rest of the tour finished, I think." Then she gracefully exits.

"..." Vusiak seems to be at a complete loss for words. She's apparently unable to even reply to Anne. "I...I..." She suddenly collapses to her knees, shaking. "...can't..."

Suddenly, Xera, a couple of the staff and droids, along with Vlaven appear in the corridor. "What's going on here?" Xera asks sharply, glancing from Anne to Cayde, to Vusiak.

Vlaven seems enraged. "What have you done to her, you -monster-!" He takes out a blaster, set to stun, and aims to open fire on Cayde!

Navi has posed:
"What are you /doing/?" Navi cries, drawing her staff from its loops on her medical satchel and, whipping it up onto her shoulder, triggering its extension function, tagging Vlavek in the wrist and causing him to drop the blaster before he can get off another shot. "Do you know how many sentients are in this hallway? How many you could have hit?" A snapping sweep of her staff slaps the weapon lying on the floor at his feet, sending it sliding out of his reach.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann goes tense in an instant, and has her saber out and ignited in but one more. She turns to stand between Vusiak and Vlaven's party- not aggressive, but very clearly at the ready to respond quite assertively if this escalates further.

    "Vlaven. I think what I should ask is why I asked her a simple question about why she seemed tense, and she -collapsed-?" she counters, remaining still but firm as Cayde defends himself from the bolt.

    "And let me be clear. If you fire on my padawan again, I will no longer be -talking- until I am certain of his safety, if you understand me. Are we in agreement? I'm certain we can come to one, given a man of your station pulling a blaster on an adolescent eight meters away during a possible medical emergency."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The bolt stops in midair, hanging there for a few brief seconds before going flying off in a random direction. It strikes the wall, leaving a scorch mark. As Ann puts herself between Vlaven and himself, he goes over to Vusiak and puts a hand on her shoulder, as if he were attempting to care for her or see if she's all right.

    Well, he is doing that...kind of. But more to the point, he is trying to 'convince' her to start talking about her relationship with Vlaven, the contact strengthening the connection.

Athena (159) has posed:
"You fool!" Vlaven cries at Navi as the gun clatters to the floor, "It was set to stun, and that -boy- is a menace! Don't you realize he was the one who nearly turned our beloved Chancellor into a vegetable?"

He scowls at Anne, rubbing his wrist. "No one was ever in danger," he grumbles. "except for Vusiak. If anything happens to her, it's going to be -your- responsibility, after all, the padawan who did this to her is yours! And why would you ask me why Vusiak acts a certain way? Let her speak for herself, but not now. Clearly she's in no shape to be interrogated!"

He helps Vusiak to her feet, who is still visibly shaken. "...Vlaven...?" she says faintly.

But then Cayde places a hand on her shoulder and starts to use a mind trick to convince her to start talking. But her mind is rather weak, and she cries out in pain and fully collapses on the floor, sweating profusely. "We slept together!" she finally croaks out. "I..." And then she passes out.

Navi has posed:
"Somehow I think you're the greater menace," Navi observes archly. "Sleeping with an accountant while your fiancee on Coruscant prays for your safety? Shooting blasters at teenagers in corridors within mere feet of a woman in clear medical distress? Clearly you are not in your right mind. And I can't say one good thing about your character if you are!"

She retracts her staff and kneels beside Vusiak, unshouldering her medical satchel. "Xera, do you have any smelling salts? Any stims that could awaken her?" she asks over her shoulder.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "... And what, -precisely-, are you accusing my padawan of? One incident will not convince a court that he harmed this woman in any way, Vlaven," Ann says with, at this point, something bordering on naked contempt.

    She looks behind herself as Vusiak speaks again, and snorts softly. "I do wonder, however, what people will say about that kind of contact with a subordinate? Apparently it was suspect enough to cause -that- level of distress."

    Her lightsaber falls silent and the blade vanishes as she puts it away again, eyes rolling as Navi says her piece. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you might turn on us to cover up your misconducts, though. I wonder what other weights she might want off her shoulders now that she's broken the metaphorical dam?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde sighs when Vusiak faints. Well he supposed that would have to do for now...

    As they are conversing, he wanders off again, once more heading for Vusiak's office.

Athena (159) has posed:
Vlaven doesn't reply to either Navi or Annelia. Instead, he just glares at Anne and then turns on his heel and runs off, disappearing around the corner.

Xera doesn't say anything when Navi asks her about smelling salts or anything that might wake Vusiak. Her expression is bland, and without compassion. She shrugs. "I've called the emergency line for the local hospital. They'll take her to urgent care and examine her there. Once she awakes and is released, they'll notify her of her release of employment from Graf Corporations, effective today." Then she turns to leave. "You can stay with her, if you like. Or you can leave. Either way, it's none of my business now." Then she fully turns around and leaves, as if nothing at all had happened.

Cayde will find that the console in Vusiak's office is on, and the Graf's latest financial report is sitting on her desk. The report doesn't anything suspicious activity in it, but anyone with two credits worth of common sense would be able to tell that it easily could have been modified, without a slicer.

Navi has posed:
"That man gets viler every time I meet him," Navi murmurs, not moving from the woman's side. "Thank you for calling the emergency services, Lady Graf," she adds, considerably more respectfully.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns at the report, and tries to open the console to see if he can find anything useful...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Well, I have a suspicion we won't be welcomed back," Ann almost spits, shaking her head as she turns her attention to the passed-out woman.

    "Though we might want to get Master Windu involved, healer that he is, while the services are on their way. And, well... I guess Vusiak doesn't have much reason anymore to maintain her silence. Once Cayde's finished a sweep through I mov that we take our leave."

Athena (159) has posed:
Xera doesn't reply to Navi. But eventually, the medevacs come to take Vusiak away. She awakes as they are strapping her to the berth, but cannot stop crying.

Unfortunately, Cayde will find it difficult to navigate the console. The banking software Vusiak uses is unfamiliar, and rather unintuitive to use.

Navi has posed:
Navi gazes regretfully after Xera, nodding her agreement to Ann. "I'm sure we've worn out our welcome at this point." She looks after Cayde, shaking her head. "We just can't take Cayde anywhere, can we?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Might be time for a repeat of the talks about a time and a place, yes," says Ann with a wry smile, shaking her head. "At this point... I'm not convinced this latest burning of bridges is necessarily the worst thing to have happened. Think my benefit of the doubt has thoroughly run out. Shall we?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde sighs in frustration. Well...he'd read some books about slicing since Ann had given him that assignment, so he starts trying to put it to use. Though it's not much...

Athena (159) has posed:
Surprisingly, Cayde somehow manages to figure out how to slice the console.

He'll discover that the transaction activity, though it mostly matches what's on the report, actually mismatches on one of the dates near to the Outer Rim Economic Convention... well, that's certainly incriminating, and is definitely something he could use to disprove Vlaven's innocence.

Navi has posed:
"Likewise. Perhaps for more than one matter," Navi says sadly. "Let's get Cayde and go. I hope he managed to find something that will make this trip worth the smoke of burned bridges."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Huh...Cayde connects the datapad with the report on it into the console and copies the original onto it, making sure all the metadata is intact. With this, and the evidence of the illegal droids that had attacked him in Vlaven's office--THEN maybe someone would believe him and he could get Soren out of there. Whether the doctor likes it or not.