The Post Gala Interrogation

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The Post Gala Interrogation
Date of Scene: 03 June 2024
Synopsis: Heydan is interrogated after being drugged at the Serenity Gala.
Cast of Characters: 159, Heydan Seegil, Cayde Alexis

Athena (159) has posed:
The seconds, minutes, possibly ... hours? following the Serenity Gala will probably pass in a blurry haze for Heydan.

There are anxious voices, but they will sound far away and slurred, as if the entire world is submerged in water and Heydan is the only one not in a world of liquid noise. He may or may not be vaguely aware of a couple of pairs of strong arms guiding him to sit on a medi-berth set up inside of a medevac that has all its doors open.

Someone's asking him how he feels, and if he remembers his name, and what he'd just been doing about an hour ago.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil goes with the flow as he tries to enjoy the trip as much as possible thinking to himself, 'Well, not much I can do about this now.', while the medics take him to the hospital.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil says, "Uh, yes, of course I know my name. GAH!", he exasperates as he rolls his eyes and his head drops backwards and rolls around his shoulders much like his eyes just did. Regaining stiffness in his neck he looks at the multi-colored fuzzy blob before him. He knows it is a doctor of some sort and not a freakish alien. He's been around the block enough to hang but even still this stuff was making it hard. "I am Heydan Seegil and I feel meh.", he mumbles then his body goes sort of limp before he forces his muscles to stiffen and hold him up again."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil Looking for a familiar blob he asked for help his head flops around like a fish on the deck as he adds, "The Jedi. They say they help. Have you seen one? I need one to get me to a hospital.", he then starts to giggle as he utters the rest, "I've been drugged and not the fun kind neither. Nope this stuff is really strong.", then as sudden as his lucid state came on it left and he asks, "Hey, feel my hands. They feel like hands. WHOA!!!!"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    After Gianka and her father had left, Cayde follows the last of the gala guests as they also take their leave. But he stops in front of the medevac, having noticed that Dr. Cassias seems to be the on evaluating the man who was supposed to have handled the auction but apparently had been drugged. Or perhaps had accidentally overdosed himself.

    But maybe he should just leave the doctor alone...last time, it hadn't gone well.

Athena (159) has posed:
"... shit," someone that Heydan will definitely not recognize mutters.

"Listen, I need you to do your best to focus. You don't need a Jedi, you just need to be assessed. Do you see my hand? How many fingers am I holding up?" A hand appears in front of Heydan, holding up... er... they look blurry.

There's a pause. "You were drugged? Do you remember seeing who drugged you?" a female voice asks from.. somewhere.

One of the medical staff notice Cayde just standing there awkwardly, watching. "Hey uh... are you okay?" the Besalisk asks. "You look a little lost."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Although the hand is in front of him he barely looks before giving the correct answer, "Four. And yeah. A Droid gave me a drink from the kitchen. Oh those droids.", he starts to ramble about droids but then he sees the man he ask for help during the event standing nearby and points to him, "JEEDI! JEDII! JEDDI! Oooo, what a fun word to say. Hey, hey yeah you." He says in their direction and points then he gives him a thumbs up and then lays back down before popping up, "You and that senator finish your fight? I hope it was to lower taxes. People hate taxes.", then looking at the doctor he asks, "Can I have a cookie?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde doesn't respond to the to Besalisk staff member. There is a distant expression on his face. However, he blinks when Heydan starts pointing at him, and then asking about a fight with a senator. But he doesn't remember fighting with any senator.

    [...I did not fight with senator] he signs in reply.

Athena (159) has posed:
Whoever is asking him questions seems relieved when he gives the correct answer. "What about now--" But Heydan won't get a chance to reply. "The droid. Can you describe the droid that gave you a drink? Do you remember what model it was..?"

But when Heydan starts pointing and yelling at Cayde obnoxiously, the female voice rebukes him with, "Hey, look, listen. I need you to focus. Think about what just happened to you. Tell me about the droid. Then uh.. maybe .. uh, you can have a cookie."

The Besalisk tugs on Cayde's arm gently. "So, uh.. might be best to remove yourself from his line of sight for now. He seems distracted by you."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil ignores almost everything said until there is the mention of a cookie. "Oh, I want a cookie! The droid was yellow and rude. It made a bad drink too. It tasted weird.", he says and then offers up the saddest puppy dog eyes as he can muster adding, 'Cook-kie?", in an adorably cute voice.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns and twists away from the Besalisk staff member. He never did like it when people tried to drag him places. It seemed that the doctors were having...difficulty getting any details out of the man. But why wouldn't they just wait until his mind was clear to speak to him?

    As an event staff member passes by with a cart full of the piles of uneaten food from the gala, he flicks a couple fingers toward it and then over toward Heydan, aiming to telekinetically move some of the sweets over into the musician's lap.

Athena (159) has posed:
The doctor sighs audibly. "I just looked at his medical record, and he has a history of substance abuse," he says, shaking his head. "There's no point in asking him questions right now. He's still very clearly under the affects of the drugging..." Theres a pause but then the questions continue. "Mr. Seegil, did you see this droid put anything in your drink? We searched your possessions and didnt find that you were in possession of any drugs, but did you take any before the gala?"

When Cayde flicks a cookie onto Heydan's lap, the doctor looks up and makes brief eye contact with the young Padawan. He frowns. What was he doing here, anyway?

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil gasps and beams a smile at the Jedi, "See doctor I told you they are good.", and then he proceeds to shove the entire cookie into his mouth which he struggles to eat with great difficulty. Instead he seems to have forgotten to swallow and so he just chews it up and lets it fall out of his mouth. "Do you think they know I was taken advantage of? I have a career and I haven't done spice in years nor did I every really do it. I tried it at a few parties", he mumbles in a random moment of clarity and self awareness. Something tells you his admission of his substance history is rehearsed.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde quickly flicks the half-eaten food away and into a trash receptacle before it hits the floor or even Heydan's lap.

    When the doctor frowns at him, he turns away sadly. Maybe this was pointless...

Athena (159) has posed:
The doctor shakes his head, examining a blood sample he must have taken from Heydan at some point. "It looks like a cocktail of some kind," he says, "a depressant mixed in with dissociative anesthetics. He should be fine within a couple of hours - no real harm done." He then hands Heydan a glass of water. "Stay hydrated, and the effects should wear off soon."

The female cop interrogating Heydan frowns. "You didn't really answer my question. Do you feel certain someone took advantage of you? Have you ever taken dissociative anesthetics, before? Recreationally?"

The doctor frowns. "We can't verify any of what he's saying. The drug is still circulating in his system."

The female cop sighs. But then she notices Cayde. "Well maybe he can help verify if what he's saying is true." She motions Cayde over.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil shakes his head, "This? No, its not fun. I mean no pretty colors or fun thoughts. It is like an elephant is sitting on my brain.", he says to the officer. He takes a drink of water from the medic and gulps it. "Me? No. Why take advantage of me? I am unimportant.", he then eyes the Jedi. "They know. Jedi are always embroiled in drama.", he bits his lower lip and then blurts out, "Someone wanted to tank this who event. I was a tool. You have to stop them. Don't let them make me a tool for their tax hikes.", before going back to trying to figure out how to drink water but he just cannot seem to remember how. So he keeps putting the bottle of water to his mouth then pulling it away only to look at it, study it, and then try again.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde was about to just leave, when one of the CSF officers tries to get his attention again. He stops and turns to her, watching her intently as if expecting her to tell him what to do, at the same time listening to what Heydan had to say about whomever had drugged him. This wouldn't be the first time he'd 'heard' about a certain someone who didn't like a certain event.

Athena (159) has posed:
The CSF officer shakes her head. "That sounds startlingly believable," she says, "and I already had a suspicion that there were probably multiple parties that didnt want the gala to be a success. But I didnt think they'd resort to such extreme measures." She turns to Cayde. "You were at the gala, werent tou? Did tou see anything or antone suspicious?"

the doctor remains silent for a moment. "We still have no way to prove it wasnt all just a coincidence. Mr Seegil does have a history of substance abuse." But Cayde will be able to sense a palpable wave of emotion coming from the doctor - fear.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil narrows his eyes at the doctor. "I would not do this drug. Its bantha poo-doo. No fun like a Jawa titty bar.", he says defensively but still loopy from the drugs. "And I'll have you know I came through Coruscant customs only an hour be...", he then gets distracted by a passing cloud briefly. "I came in through customs just before the gig. I had to take public transit all the way from the Outer Rim. Man, and now I bet I am not even going to get paid. This is total wampa breath.", he pouts before adding, "I hate Coruscant. Why did I take this gig.", and with a shrug he also asks, "Who is this Jedi, you're the one who call the doctor right?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Well, the only thing Cayde had seen for himself?

    [Senator's daughter acted strange] he signs to the officer. There is a...flash of a memory in the officer's mind, one that can't possibly have been her own. It seems to involve Gianka Alexis chasing this padawan into the bushes that surround the hotel courtyard and getting her clothes caught in the branches.

    The young Jedi frowns at the sensation of the doctor's fear. [You fear him] he signs suddenly, his gaze going toward the physician.

Athena (159) has posed:
The doctor frowns, considering what Heydan had said, but does not further comment. "Don't worry," he says, "You'll be compensated, granted we prove you did not voluntarily take the drugs that are in your system." Then he hands Heydan a straw, so he can hopefully drink the water easier.

"And currently," the female officer says, "the odds are looking in your favor. It doesn't look like you have any history of dissociative anesthetics, despite there being.. other kind of drugs there. We'll see if we can track down that droid that served you." She blinks, not entirely sure what to make of the memory Cayde is showing her.

When Cayde says that the doctor is afraid, the doctor shakes his head. "I dont think Mr Seegil has any intention of harming me." But Cayde will be able to tell the fear isn't of anyone here. In fact, the doctor isn't sure himself what exactly he's afraid of - he just feels a vague sense of foreboding.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Hearing the word, 'voluntarily', and exasperates, "Yeah, sure.", thinking there is going to be some clever excuse to defraud him despite the officer promising he'd get paid. He knows he hasn't taken any drugs. Although he wish he had but he has been studying astonavigation and doesn't like to indulge while learning something new. "I guess I'll be here for a while Jedi. I'll have to thank you when this wears off. Then we can find this person together!"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde arches a brow at the woman when she looks confused. Didn't she remember that she asked him a question? He was simply telling her what he knows regarding anything suspicious or odd during the event.

    He shakes his head at the doctor's words.

     [No...the guilty one]

    The padawan knows he isn't afraid of anyone here. He nods toward Heydan. [It will be solved]

Athena (159) has posed:
"No, you won't," the doctor says, "This medevac will escort you home, Mr Seegil, where I hope you'll take the time to rest and stay hydrated until the effects of the drug wear off completely." He hands him a bottle of pills and a business card. "Here. These should expedite your metabolism a bit. And if you experience any complications, do not hesitate to contact the urgent care at Cassias Enterprises." He then steps out of the medevac, as it starts to pull away.

The doctor spares Cayde a brief unreadable look and then heads back towards his own personal vessel.

It's true, to some degree. He's afraid this mess is about to get much larger, and there's nothing he can do about it...