Characters & Alternates: Difference between revisions

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* New characters that do not log in within 1 week of approval may be marked UNAPPROVED. Characters with the UNAPPROVED status will not be able to join scenes or enter IC rooms.
* New characters that do not log in within 1 week of approval may be marked UNAPPROVED. Characters with the UNAPPROVED status will not be able to join scenes or enter IC rooms.
*New characters that fail to get approval within 30 days or 5 rounds of review (whichever comes first) will be cancelled. However, in the case of taking longer than 30 days to get approved, if you wish to resubmit after the 30 day benchmark, you may. Simply open a new job on MUSH, you can find out how by typing +help +jobs.
*New characters that fail to get approval within 30 days or 5 rounds of review (whichever comes first) will be cancelled. However, in the case of taking longer than 30 days to get approved, if you wish to resubmit after the 30 day benchmark, you may. Simply open a new job on MUSH, you can find out how by typing +help +jobs.
* Characters that have not participated in any scenes for 30 days or longer may be set UNAPPROVED. If a player wishes to return to an old character that has been set UNAPPROVED, it may be re-submitted as-is through the usual channel. Staff will review on a case-by-case basis and work with the player to get the character re-approved.  
* Characters that have not participated in any scenes for 30 days or longer may be set UNAPPROVED. If a player wishes to return to an old character that has been set UNAPPROVED, it may be re-submitted as-is through the usual channel. Staff will review on a case-by-case basis and work with the player to get the character re-approved. If any sheet changes occur, it will not be counted against the rework limitation.

== Reworks ==
== Reworks ==

Revision as of 20:35, 6 March 2024

Please excuse the mess! This page may be incomplete.


  • It is highly recommended that players submit a PITCH request through the Jobs system for new character ideas before starting the character generation process. This helps to ensure that staff will not reject a character on concept after a player has already spent time to create its sheet.
  • New characters that do not log in within 1 week of approval may be marked UNAPPROVED. Characters with the UNAPPROVED status will not be able to join scenes or enter IC rooms.
  • New characters that fail to get approval within 30 days or 5 rounds of review (whichever comes first) will be cancelled. However, in the case of taking longer than 30 days to get approved, if you wish to resubmit after the 30 day benchmark, you may. Simply open a new job on MUSH, you can find out how by typing +help +jobs.
  • Characters that have not participated in any scenes for 30 days or longer may be set UNAPPROVED. If a player wishes to return to an old character that has been set UNAPPROVED, it may be re-submitted as-is through the usual channel. Staff will review on a case-by-case basis and work with the player to get the character re-approved. If any sheet changes occur, it will not be counted against the rework limitation.


  • To request a rework, submit a job to the REWORK bucket with +request/rework <Character Name>=<Description of Changes>. <Description of Changes> must contain a detailed description of all changes desired, including current stats alongside the respective changes the player wishes to make. For example: Shoot skill lowered from 2 to 1, Dodge skill raised from 1 to 2.
  • Reworks may not increase or decrease a character's overall point value. For information on how to increase a character's point value, see Character Advancement.
  • All newly approved characters are granted 1 free rework that must be submitted within 14 days of approval.
  • Players may spend XP to make changes to their sheet once every 14 days per character. Reworks will cost 25, 50, and 75 XP for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd reworks respectively, up to 3 per character in addition to the free rework submitted within 14 days of approval. This policy only applies to changes involving Skills, Resources, Assets, or Traits that cost points to acquire. Other changes to a character may be requested through the same job bucket but will not cost XP or count against the Rework limitations.


  • All alternate characters must be registered to the same account upon character creation. Anyone caught purposely avoiding this risks removal from the game.
  • Players may have a maximum of 1 APPROVED status Force Sensitive (possessing Force skills) character and a total of 6 APPROVED status characters on their account at any given time. For a "system" definition of "Force Sensitive", see Character Creation)
  • To retire a character, notify staff by submitting a +request through the Jobs system. Staff will set the character UNAPPROVED and it will not be counted toward the per-account character limits.
  • To reactivate a retired character, submit a reactivation +request through the Jobs system.
  • New players or players with no currently approved characters may obtain approval for 2 characters at once. Otherwise, 1 character may be newly approved or reactivated once every 14 days.

Alt Interaction

  • Players should generally avoid having their alts interact; however, we understand that this might be difficult to avoid in some situations. However, using alts to give your character(s) an advantage they wouldn't otherwise have is forbidden and may result in disciplinary action such as loss of alt privileges.
  • A good rule thumb is to ask if yourself if your character would have this advantage anyway if you weren't using your alt. If the answer is yes, then it's probably okay. For example, if you want to use your alt's ship to transport your character somewhere, think about whether your character is gaining an advantage over other players that he/she would not have access to without using the alt. Is he getting there faster? Stealthier? Or would the result be the same if he'd just taken a public shuttle? Alts should not be used to gain unfair advantages over other players. If in doubt, please ask a staff member before taking action.