Annelia Belask

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"I have simply seen how far there is to go, Cayde. Some of the masters are... better than one could perhaps imagine, I think. And, well. As I'm sure you can tell, I'm not exactly the peak of force sensitivity around this Temple. Just meant I had to work harder, so I got decent at working harder. Bit of a one-trick Neebray, if you will."

Name Annelia Belask
Age 23
Faction Jedi Order
Rank Knight
Species Human
Occupation Jedi Knight
Hair Red
Eyes Hazel
Height 173cm
Weight 70kg
Status Active
Char_id 325


A Jedi Knight with a near-desperate drive to prove worthy of the title. Weak in the force, but physically gifted and a notable talent with a lightsaber- not that she'll ever put it that way.


In short, Annelia is in many ways your standard Jedi- born on Lola Sayu, she lucked into being found by the order young despite barely being force-sensitive due to the high volume of force-sensitives held at or visiting the Citadel at which her parents worked. Struggling with the force, Annelia made her mark as a padawan with a talent for, and near-obsessive pursuit of mastery of the lightsaber, and caught the eye of a very capable Master who helped her bridge the gap and prepare to become a Knight. That master met an untimely end quite recently, which lead her to take the more traditional form of trials in the past few weeks and earn her Knighthood- something she is very set on continuing to prove worthy of.


Title Date Scene Summary
A Quiet Chat September 18th, 2024 Navi, Ann, and Cayde visit the undercover CSF again...
Star Interview August 28th, 2024 A journalist asks Ann and Cayde some questions about the incident with the Chancellor.
Definitely A Work Trip August 15th, 2024 A master and padawan sit down to eat and chat- end up booking an interview.
A New Task July 30th, 2024 Ann gives Cayde a new project, and some decidedly onerous possibilities for the future. Dealing with teenagers, am I right?
An Admission of Guilt July 28th, 2024 In a twist of fate, the interrogation of Burkenn ends in Soren's confession of crime.
Vehicular Manslaughter July 14th, 2024 An attempt is made on Sanzo Laa's life, but Navi and the Jedi intervene.
Just a Bad Dream July 13th, 2024 Ann notices a Disturbance in the Force.
An Honest Conversation with the Doc June 29th, 2024 Navi and the Jedi attempt to interrogate Dr. Cassias about the falsified toxicology report he'd created.
Clawdite No. 2 June 23rd, 2024 A Clawdite assassin infiltrates the Temple.
Spies and Healers June 22nd, 2024 Ann discusses Cayde's future with him.
A Tour at the Jedi Temple June 15th, 2024 Annelia and Cayde give a tour of the Temple to the public, and Navi is confronted by an old friend.
The Council's Verdict June 9th, 2024 The Council gives Cayde and Annelia further instructions on the young padawan's training going forward.
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Epilogue June 2nd, 2024 Tomi finally awakes, after the Jedi return from the catacombs.
A Council Divided May 26th, 2024 The Council heatedly discusses next steps regarding Cayde and his actions.
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Below the Temple (Part 2) May 19th, 2024 The Jedi battle a Force echo of the Great Leveler.
A Little More Work To Do May 15th, 2024 Ann helps Cayde get started with defending himself to the Council.
A Documented Demonstration May 12th, 2024 Anne discovers an independent filmmaker is making a documentary on the lives of the Jedi. Volken disrupts.
Living is What's Hard May 8th, 2024 Ann gets her padawan out of trouble.
Outer Rim Economic Convention Part 2 May 6th, 2024 Day 2 of the Outer Rim Economic Convention.
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Below the Temple (Part 1) May 5th, 2024 The Jedi descend below the Temple of the Kyber with the witches to investigate the darkness there.
Self-Sufficiency and All That May 2nd, 2024 Ann teaches Cayde about lightsaaber smithing.
On Forms April 24th, 2024 Ann begins teaching Cayde about different saber forms.
Diving Right In April 17th, 2024 Ann begins training Cayde.
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Outside Help April 14th, 2024 Navi and the Jedi visit a pair of witches, and learn a dark secret.
A New Journey April 10th, 2024 Ann takes on a padawan.
Yarrum Tower March 24th, 2024 Cayde and Annelia retrieve a stolen relic from the pirate base.
A Quick Review March 18th, 2024 Ann and Cayde plan their next move in their attempts to retrieve a missing relic.
Retrieve the Relic March 17th, 2024 Cayde and Annelia meet up with a contact to discuss getting into Yarrum Tower.
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Tomi's Fate February 25th, 2024 A group of Jedi attempt to wake the comatose Tomi or boost his weakening vitality.
A Chat in the Refectory February 9th, 2024 New faces are made acquainted with one another as casual socializing and discussion about the events on Jedha occur.
Homecoming February 8th, 2024 Caius returns to the Temple and has a conversation with Ann.
A little breather January 28th, 2024 Annelia and Cayde discuss the events on Jedha.
The Informant's Gambit: Finale January 27th, 2024 The vault in the Temple of the Kyber is raided by thieves and criminals.
The Pit - Part 2 January 25th, 2024 Annelia and Volken free enslaved fighters from an illegal pit fighting ring.
The Pit - Part 1 January 15th, 2024 Annelia and Volken find Cayde in a predicament.
Searching for Soren January 7th, 2024 Annelia helps Cayde infiltrate a medical conference in search of a man from his visions.
Built Like A Bantha January 5th, 2024 Volken makes a deal with Drinna and takes custody of Revara.
To Carry On January 5th, 2024 Annelia and Cayde converse on the way back to the Temple.