
From Pax Republica
Revision as of 00:21, 9 October 2022 by Andromeda (talk | contribs)
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Players may have one Force Sensitive character at any given time, subject to all other alternate character rules. All Force skills will be rolled with Presence modifiers.

A player's Force Sensitive character is not required to be a member of the Jedi Order, though there are conditions that come with not being a member of the Order. Trained Force Users outside of the Jedi Order are considered restricted (see Banned & Restricted Concepts for further details). Be aware that in this age, the Jedi Council is extremely wary of Force traditions outside of their own Order, and while not actively hostile, are definitely not friendly toward them. The reactions of individual Jedi may of course vary from person to person, but the overall view of the Jedi on outsiders using the Force is not favorable.

Force Users are susceptible to picking up Dark Side Points for "dark" actions, thoughts, and feelings. Please read Dark Side Points for more information on this. Dark Side Points can have long-term effects on your character, both in terms of RP, and your OOC ability to maintain control over your character's actions.

Force Using characters and the players who play them are generally held to higher standards both ICly and OOCly. We expect Force-using players to not only respect the rules of the game and their fellow players, but to be an positive example for other players. We do not require Force Users to take the place of staff, or to run constant events or plots, or to maintain activity at a certain level, however when online, Force wielding player characters should be encouraging/facilitating RP, helpful when possible, and set an excellent example for others. Players failing to adhere to this expectation will not be permitted to continue to play a Force User on this game.