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"Character quote goes here if applicable. You do not need to place quotation marks manually."

Name Navi Valrennann
Age Unknown
Faction Republic
Rank Novice
Species Sephi
Occupation Force Cultist
Hair Silvery Blonde
Eyes Deep Blue
Status Active, Inactive, or Deceased
Char_id 261

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Title Date Scene Summary
A Quiet Chat September 18th, 2024 Navi, Ann, and Cayde visit the undercover CSF again...
A Saber Recovered August 28th, 2024 Amarik helps Navi take her Master's saber back from Shalla Ro.
It Wasn't Me, I Swear July 21st, 2024 Genn Theos reveals his involvement in the Clawdite's death.
Vehicular Manslaughter July 14th, 2024 An attempt is made on Sanzo Laa's life, but Navi and the Jedi intervene.
Journey Towards a Saber July 10th, 2024 Navi accompanies Amarik, hoping to retrieve her Master's saber from Shalla Ro
An Honest Conversation with the Doc June 29th, 2024 Navi and the Jedi attempt to interrogate Dr. Cassias about the falsified toxicology report he'd created.
Clawdite No. 2 June 23rd, 2024 A Clawdite assassin infiltrates the Temple.
Clawdite No. 1 June 19th, 2024 Heydan -almost- gets paid, but instead discovers someone's trying to kill him. The Jedi intervene.
A Tour at the Jedi Temple June 15th, 2024 Annelia and Cayde give a tour of the Temple to the public, and Navi is confronted by an old friend.
The Council's Verdict June 9th, 2024 The Council gives Cayde and Annelia further instructions on the young padawan's training going forward.
A Master's Saber June 7th, 2024 Navi runs into the Zealot again, and learns her where her Master's saber is.
Rubbing Your Temples June 5th, 2024 Navi finds Cayde in the Temple Refectory.
A Council Divided May 26th, 2024 The Council heatedly discusses next steps regarding Cayde and his actions.
Outer Rim Economic Convention Part 2 May 6th, 2024 Day 2 of the Outer Rim Economic Convention.
Outer Rim Economic Convention Part 1 May 3rd, 2024 Day 1 of the convention ends up involving some...unexpected drama.
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Outside Help April 14th, 2024 Navi and the Jedi visit a pair of witches, and learn a dark secret.
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: The Witches April 6th, 2024 Caius and the others conclude it would be best to seek Nightsister council, despite Windu and Volk's hesitation.
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: The Bogan Collection March 30th, 2024 Caius leads a group into the Bogan Collection, and Cayde has a re-run in with a witch.
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past:The Healer's Visit March 22nd, 2024 Pike and Navi visit Tomi, hoping to revive the Arkanian.
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Forbidden History March 16th, 2024 Caius, Cayde, Hal and Navi learn more about the mysterious deaths during the Battle of Jedha.
That Missing Something March 7th, 2024 Navi visits the Temple on Coruscant again, and runs into Cayde.
Uncertain Events March 2nd, 2024 Caius and Navi meet and discuss Master Tomi's situation and current happenings with a possible plan beginning to now form.
Graf Family Secrets February 29th, 2024 Cayde and Navi spy on Xera.
The Look of Audacity February 17th, 2024 Wynn now hates Canto Bight.
Night in the New City February 16th, 2024 Navi and Cayde spend some time in the New City on Jedha.
Mine-r Details January 29th, 2024 Navi meets with Vons following the Festival of Balance.
The Informant's Gambit: Finale January 27th, 2024 The vault in the Temple of the Kyber is raided by thieves and criminals.
The Informant's Gambit: The Brother of the Ninth Door January 17th, 2024 Imoen is exposed to a dark side relic, which reveals a tumultuous future.
Higher Rollin' January 15th, 2024 Volken and Navi enjoy a night of gambling at the casino, and encounter a mysterious woman.
Living Life Day January 14th, 2024 Navi and Imoen hang out on Takodana during the Life Day festival.
The Informant's Gambit: I Dreamed of You, Too January 7th, 2024 Navi and Zealot share a special connection in the Force.
The Informant's Gambit: The Accusation January 6th, 2024 Akashaya is confronted about his actions as reported by Shiren.
The Key January 3rd, 2024 Drinna, Navi, and Zeraph steal the key to a booby trapped credits stash in the Works from Kalregar.
Life Day Celebration January 1st, 2024 Mingling occurs at a Life Day celebration on Takodana.
The Informant's Gambit: The Culprit December 27th, 2023 Zealot is caught red-handed attempting to frame Navi for yet another murder.
The Informant's Gambit: The Fight Ring December 23rd, 2023 Navi must participate in a pit fight to prove her innocence.
The Informant's Gambit: The Second Framing December 20th, 2023 Navi is arrested for the murder of two aliens.
Seeking Navi December 19th, 2023 Zeraph and Drinna find Navi and discuss a plan. Together they visit Melina in the Clinic and inquire about what she knows.
A Red Moon Will Rise Part 2 December 12th, 2023 Plans to arrest or kill a notorious spice dealer go awry, while the Jedi manage to rescue a young girl.
It's a Trap December 11th, 2023 Navi and Cayde run into each other on 1313.
The Informant's Gambit: The Uncanny Murder December 10th, 2023 Navi is framed for murder.
A Red Moon Will Rise: Part 1 December 9th, 2023 Tresslo, Navi, and Imoen head to Marksmen territory for various reasons. Khalo continues his hunt, and maybe ends up with allies.
Go Home and Rethink Your Life Choices December 7th, 2023 Navi's tour of Coruscant is interrupted when she and Imoen run into some trouble.
Totally Temple Spies! December 6th, 2023 Imoen, Zeraph, Cayde, and Navi meet and (some more reluctantly than others) wander past the Council chambers to eavesdrop... only to be totally busted by one of the Masters. Next time, Council... next time!
Just Nobody December 3rd, 2023 Tresslo and Navi meet a spice thief in the Lower City.
The Informant's Gambit: The Intrusion September 19th, 2024 The Nihil are afoot in the Holy City.