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  3. Characters - List of String, delimiter: ,
  4. Tinyplot - Page

This table has 136 rows altogether.

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Page Date Synopsis Characters Tinyplot
108/That Missing Something (edit) 2024-03-07 Navi visits the Temple on Coruscant again, and runs into Cayde. 143 261
A Bad, Bad, Man (edit) 2023-12-20 Khalo pursues Revara into the bowels of Coruscant. 159 251
A Birthday Party to Remember (edit) 2024-01-24 Volken crashes a birthday party at the San Tekka Manor by pretending to be an entertainer. 159 321
A Bitter, Miserable Man (edit) 2024-01-30 Soren gets an unexpected visitor... 141 143
A Chat in the Refectory (edit) 2024-02-09 New faces are made acquainted with one another as casual socializing and discussion about the events on Jedha occur. 143 269 334 325
A Council Divided (edit) 2024-05-26 The Council heatedly discusses next steps regarding Cayde and his actions. 159 381 325 334 143 261
A Death Mark (edit) 2023-12-04 Bounty hunting is a complicated profession. 251 240 141
A Deft Hand (edit) 2024-02-25 Lynx agrees to help Ellari retrieve some beskar armor from a back alley vendor. 296 280
A Different Kind of Deal (edit) 2024-06-14 Crix strikes up a deal with Zealot, who tries to recruit Heydan as a slicer. 195 406 352
A Documented Demonstration (edit) 2024-05-12 Anne discovers an independent filmmaker is making a documentary on the lives of the Jedi. Volken disrupts. 159 325 143 321
A little breather (edit) 2024-01-28 Annelia and Cayde discuss the events on Jedha. 325 143
A Little More Work To Do (edit) 2024-05-15 Ann helps Cayde get started with defending himself to the Council. 143 325
A Long Way From the Temple (edit) 2023-12-05 Khalo continues the hunt. 251 143
A Man in a Predicament (edit) 2024-07-19 Spectre strikes a deal with the Duke. 159 422
A Mandalorian on Alderaan (edit) 2024-03-02 Caine runs into an unsuspecting Padawan named Len Rydan. 159 248 271
A Master's Saber (edit) 2024-06-07 Navi runs into the Zealot again, and learns her where her Master's saber is. 195 261
A Much Needed Break (edit) 2024-02-17 A brief discussion at a cafe in the Temple District leads to a Knight and Padawan's resolve to move forward. 334 143
A New Acquaintance (edit) 2024-02-26 Shiren and Cayde meet in the Uscru district. 143 278
A New Journey (edit) 2024-04-10 Ann takes on a padawan. 1 325 143
A New Task (edit) 2024-07-30 Ann gives Cayde a new project, and some decidedly onerous possibilities for the future. Dealing with teenagers, am I right? 325 143
A Prospective Padawan (edit) 2023-12-02 Seraphina meets a potential padawan. 143 213
A Quick Review (edit) 2024-03-18 Ann and Cayde plan their next move in their attempts to retrieve a missing relic. 325 143
A Red Moon Will Rise Part 2 (edit) 2023-12-12 Plans to arrest or kill a notorious spice dealer go awry, while the Jedi manage to rescue a young girl. 159 240 261 211 251 214 287
A Red Moon Will Rise: Part 1 (edit) 2023-12-09 Tresslo, Navi, and Imoen head to Marksmen territory for various reasons. Khalo continues his hunt, and maybe ends up with allies. 159 252 251 261 211
A Saber Recovered (edit) 2024-08-28 Amarik helps Navi take her Master's saber back from Shalla Ro. 195 261
A Tour at the Jedi Temple (edit) 2024-06-15 Annelia and Cayde give a tour of the Temple to the public, and Navi is confronted by an old friend. 159 406 381 325 261 143
A Visit with the Doctor (edit) 2024-07-16 Heydan finally gets paid, and then some. 141 406
Adventures in Droid Sitting (edit) 2024-04-01 Three Mandalorian bounty hunters chase Colonel X, Dr. Cassias' runaway droid. 195 296 362 321
All Paths Lead... (edit) 2023-12-14 Zeraph and Drinna meet at the starport on Coruscant. 214 287
An Admission of Guilt (edit) 2024-07-28 In a twist of fate, the interrogation of Burkenn ends in Soren's confession of crime. 159 325 143
An Elegant Weapon of A More Civilized Age. (edit) 2023-12-16 Imoen consults Master Varric Sov about the loss of her lightsaber... 207 211
An Honest Conversation with the Doc (edit) 2024-06-29 Navi and the Jedi attempt to interrogate Dr. Cassias about the falsified toxicology report he'd created. 159 325 143 381 261
Antarian Shenanigans (edit) 2024-04-13 Zealot is arrested by Lieutenant Crix Jobin for stealing from a group of honest scrappers. 195 352
Bigger Fish to Fry (edit) 2024-04-09 Zihna is sent on a special assignment chasing pirates. 1 341
Built Like A Bantha (edit) 2024-01-05 Volken makes a deal with Drinna and takes custody of Revara. 321 287 325 143
Charmed (edit) 2024-02-09 Wynn's natural charm is Super Effective. 159 323 240 321
Clawdite No. 1 (edit) 2024-06-19 Heydan -almost- gets paid, but instead discovers someone's trying to kill him. The Jedi intervene. 159 406 381 261 143
Clawdite No. 2 (edit) 2024-06-23 A Clawdite assassin infiltrates the Temple. 159 261 325 143 381
Definitely A Work Trip (edit) 2024-08-15 A master and padawan sit down to eat and chat- end up booking an interview. 325 143
Diving Right In (edit) 2024-04-17 Ann begins training Cayde. 325 143
Doctor to Doctor (edit) 2024-01-03 Silas meets Dr. Soren Cassias at a galaxy renowned medical conference. 141 308
Droid Parts (edit) 2024-04-30 Wynn and Zealot discuss the loss of Colonel X. 195 323
Family is Family (edit) 2024-01-09 Drinna and Cayde discuss family, among other things. 143 287
Family Ties (edit) 2023-12-08 Imoen faces a dilemma. 143 211
Femme Fatale (edit) 2024-02-06 Just another delivery job takes an unexpected turn for Wynn Viasco. 195 323
Flight from Coruscant (edit) 2024-02-02 Khalo pursue Caine and Ellari as they leave Coruscant with Revara. 271 296 251
Go Home and Rethink Your Life Choices (edit) 2023-12-07 Navi's tour of Coruscant is interrupted when she and Imoen run into some trouble. 211 261 143
Graf Family Secrets (edit) 2024-02-29 Cayde and Navi spy on Xera. 159 261 143
He Didn't Even Shoot First (edit) 2024-01-02 A bunch of Mandalorians end up at a police station in Coruscant. Chaos ensues. 287 321 251 271 143
He's Got The Goods (edit) 2024-01-10 The fight over Revara Solstice's fate continues... 321 271 296 251
Heated Discussions (edit) 2024-02-10 Volken and Ellari have a 'friendly' chat. 321 296
Higher Rollin' (edit) 2024-01-15 Volken and Navi enjoy a night of gambling at the casino, and encounter a mysterious woman. 321 159 261
Hobby Hunting (edit) 2023-12-15 Drinna finds Cayde seeking access to her father and steps in. The two have a discussion and Drinna discovers Cayde has no hobbies. Drinna decides she wants to help him explore hobbies and find a past time. 287 143
Homecoming (edit) 2024-02-08 Caius returns to the Temple and has a conversation with Ann. 334 325
It Is The Way (edit) 2024-01-08 Volken encounters Cayde in the Lower City again. 321 143
It Wasn't Me, I Swear (edit) 2024-07-21 Genn Theos reveals his involvement in the Clawdite's death. 159 381 143 261 406
It's a Trap (edit) 2023-12-11 Navi and Cayde run into each other on 1313. 143 261
Journey Towards a Saber (edit) 2024-07-10 Navi accompanies Amarik, hoping to retrieve her Master's saber from Shalla Ro 195 261
Just a Bad Dream (edit) 2024-07-13 Ann notices a Disturbance in the Force. 143 325
Just a Little Game (edit) 2024-03-02 Some beskar shows up on Batuu. Things get messy. 280 296 271 321
Just Nobody (edit) 2023-12-03 Tresslo and Navi meet a spice thief in the Lower City. 240 252 261
Khalo Goes to Jail (edit) 2023-12-29 The title says it all, doesn't it? 159 251
Life Day Celebration (edit) 2024-01-01 Mingling occurs at a Life Day celebration on Takodana. 143 214 261 304 141 321 308
Light and Life (edit) 2024-05-04 Sertil gives Cayde some guidance. 396 143
Living is What's Hard (edit) 2024-05-08 Ann gets her padawan out of trouble. 143 325 1
Living Life Day (edit) 2024-01-14 Navi and Imoen hang out on Takodana during the Life Day festival. 261 211
Lost Cargo (edit) 2024-02-07 Another day, another job for Volken Mons. 240 321
Making Your Dreams A Reality (edit) 2024-05-18 Wynn makes Heydan an offer while Cayde investigates the prior incident at the Serenity gala. 143 406 323
Master and Apprentice (edit) 2023-12-05 Seraphina takes Cayde on as a Padawan. 213 143
Master and Padawan (edit) 2023-12-07 Imoen and Varric practice Form III. Varric scolds Imoen for listening on a Council session, but promises her that he's kept her wishes in mind. 207 211
Mine-r Details (edit) 2024-01-29 Navi meets with Vons following the Festival of Balance. 261 159
Night in the New City (edit) 2024-02-16 Navi and Cayde spend some time in the New City on Jedha. 143 261
On Fatherhood (edit) 2023-12-13 Cayde and Drinna both seem to have Daddy Issues (tm) 143 287
On Forms (edit) 2024-04-24 Ann begins teaching Cayde about different saber forms. 143 325
Out Too Late Again Fellas (edit) 2023-12-29 Volken walks into a bar and meets a Jedi...then gets into a fight. 143 321
Outer Rim Economic Convention Part 1 (edit) 2024-05-03 Day 1 of the convention ends up involving some...unexpected drama. 143 381 159 402 396 261
Outer Rim Economic Convention Part 2 (edit) 2024-05-06 Day 2 of the Outer Rim Economic Convention. 143 352 325 252 141 341 261 381
People of Their Ilk (edit) 2024-01-28 Wynn meets a potential partner in crime. 240 323
Powers of the Mind (edit) 2023-12-17 Tresslo follows Cayde into the Lower City. 143 252
Retrieve the Relic (edit) 2024-03-17 Cayde and Annelia meet up with a contact to discuss getting into Yarrum Tower. 159 325 143
Rubbing Your Temples (edit) 2024-06-05 Navi finds Cayde in the Temple Refectory. 261 143
Searching for Soren (edit) 2024-01-07 Annelia helps Cayde infiltrate a medical conference in search of a man from his visions. 143 141 325 308
Seda (edit) 2024-02-24 Wynn goes looking for free ship repairs. 159 323
Seeking Navi (edit) 2023-12-19 Zeraph and Drinna find Navi and discuss a plan. Together they visit Melina in the Clinic and inquire about what she knows. 287 261 214 1
Self-Sufficiency and All That (edit) 2024-05-02 Ann teaches Cayde about lightsaaber smithing. 325 143
Shippie-Ki-Yay (edit) 2024-02-05 CHA-CHING! 240 323
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Below the Temple (Part 1) (edit) 2024-05-05 The Jedi descend below the Temple of the Kyber with the witches to investigate the darkness there. 159 325 143 381 334
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Below the Temple (Part 2) (edit) 2024-05-19 The Jedi battle a Force echo of the Great Leveler. 159 143 334 325
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Epilogue (edit) 2024-06-02 Tomi finally awakes, after the Jedi return from the catacombs. 159 325 143
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Forbidden History (edit) 2024-03-16 Caius, Cayde, Hal and Navi learn more about the mysterious deaths during the Battle of Jedha. 159 334 143 269 261
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Outside Help (edit) 2024-04-14 Navi and the Jedi visit a pair of witches, and learn a dark secret. 159 261 381 334 143 325 269
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: The Bogan Collection (edit) 2024-03-30 Caius leads a group into the Bogan Collection, and Cayde has a re-run in with a witch. 159 381 269 334 261 143
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: The Journal and the Petrified (edit) 2024-03-10 The Jedi are unsettled by what they find among Tomi's belongings. 159 334 143 269
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: The Witches (edit) 2024-04-06 Caius and the others conclude it would be best to seek Nightsister council, despite Windu and Volk's hesitation. 159 381 269 143 334 261
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Tomi's Fate (edit) 2024-02-25 A group of Jedi attempt to wake the comatose Tomi or boost his weakening vitality. 159 334 269 325 143
Specters of a Sorcerer's Past:The Healer's Visit (edit) 2024-03-22 Pike and Navi visit Tomi, hoping to revive the Arkanian. 159 381 261
Spies and Healers (edit) 2024-06-22 Ann discusses Cayde's future with him. 143 325
Star Interview (edit) 2024-08-28 A journalist asks Ann and Cayde some questions about the incident with the Chancellor. 143 325
The Before Times (edit) 2023-12-13 Zeraph meets Vella on Nar Shadaa. 275 214
The Benefits of Therapy and Mental Wellness (edit) 2024-01-10 Soren and Silas converse over lunch. 141 308 240
